Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd December 31st, 2024 1,377 Views 30 Comments
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever will lose his life for my sake will save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits his own self? For whoever will be ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory, and the glory of the Father, and of the holy angels. Luke 9:24-26 WEB.
The break room fell silent as I walked in to get some water. Though I was new there, I had already learned the normal topics were hangovers, sexual exploits, or who had the best drugs. The normal stream of profanity ceased when I entered the room these days.
It all started when I said a blessing over my lunch. The others seemed unsure about what to make of that. Some of them laughed, while others turned a whiter shade of pale. Sometimes they would taunt me, and I would quote scripture back to them: "Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
I certainly wasn't trying to force my religion on them. Sadly at the time, I didn't care if the whole crowd went to hell. I was in survival mode, and it was an "every man for himself" point in my life. They would have to get to heaven as best they could. I was just trying to make it myself, but I wouldn't be ashamed of my faith in Jesus Christ. I may have been going through hell, but I was hanging on to God while doing it.
In time, several people there came to the Lord and started coming to church with me. How do you boldly stand for Jesus? You picture Him there beside you. When they laugh at you, they are actually laughing at Him, and they will have a horrible day coming. You can stand with Him or be ashamed of Him, but He is there either way.
Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, but there is another way: Tell them you know Him! Don't chase people who aren't ready. But when they corner you, don't be ashamed to say: "Yes, I know Jesus Christ. What about you? For you are one heartbeat from meeting Him. Think about it."
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that you give me the boldness to take a stand for You when confronted. Please fill me with Your strength and give me anointed words to speak to those around me. Help me stand strong today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Good morning, it's New Year's Eve! May you all have a most joyful celebration! Thank you, too, for all who sent us Christmas and New Year cards and greetings - we so appreciated them - y'all are the best and truly a blessing! If you have a prayer need, we and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network. If you are interested in joining the prayer team, here is how to get started Prayer Partners.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you give me the boldness to take a stand for You when confronted. Please fill me with Your strength and give me anointed words to speak to those around me. Help me stand strong today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! This is an amazing devotion today. It gave me chills just now as I read it. Our God is so faithful, and true, He is so good to us and forgiving, as soon
as we realize we have sinned against God, we can immediately pray and ask for His forgiveness and He forgives us immediately with no questions. We serve a mighty and wonderful God!!
AMEN, Pastor!!! That was really powerful, Pastor, especially the statement: "For you are one heartbeat away from meeting Him"!! When I think about all the encounters I had with so many people over the years, and there were missed opportunities to share JESUS unashamedly and boldly, it makes me very sad!!
However, there also was once a situation in a break room many many years ago, when we're in Tennessee for almost 2 years, and I had just gotten saved!!! My heart was full of it, I wanted to tell the world and that's all I wanted to do! I had just been hired for a part time position and there were a lot of people in the break room, and a certain elderly Jewish lady who was extremely offended by what I said, she was a senior employee who had been there for many years and I was still on probation. Needless to say, I was let go, and this put a damper on my enthusiasm, and I kept silent for a while! But, I grew in the Lord and He enabled me over time to live and share my faith guided by His Holy Spirit, and HE gave me a special love especially for the Jewish people who don't yet know the Lord, the Messiah!!! Thanks Pastor for rekindling this memory for me as I'm thinking back to see where I was and where I'm right now, and it's only because of Him, and Him alone!!! 🙏
Heavenly Father, I pray that you give me the boldness to take a stand for You when confronted. Please fill me with Your strength and give me anointed words to speak to those around me. Help me stand strong today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!❤️🤟🏻
Comment from Wanda Pennington
2 months ago
God Bless you Debi. Happy New Year
Good morning, y'all, happy Tuesday 😀! Praying you all have a joyful New Year's celebration and a truly blessed 2025 🥳! We will most likely be asleep at midnight, but, Lord willing, will see y'all on the other side 😂!
Comment from Wanda Pennington
2 months ago
Thank you for all you and Bro Dion have done this year. Happy New Year and a Blessed 2025!!🎉🙏❤
Comment from Shara Abel
2 months ago
Happy New Year to your family and everyone here at RHM! Many blessings and joy in the New Year!
I never thought about it like this "When they laugh at you, they are actually laughing at Him". And the comment "Yes, I know Jesus Christ. What about you? For you are one heartbeat from meeting Him. Think about it." These are great! Being an intovert, it is hard for me to think of what to say in the moment, but I will put these in my mind for the future. Thank you!
Comment from Lynn Brown
2 months ago
Comment from Sylvia Todd
2 months ago
Amen, sister 💛!