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Jesus: For Such a Time as This!

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* Explore hundreds of inspiring Spirit-filled devotionals with new ones posted daily.

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* An online church for those who need one.

Comments by others:

  • Your daily writings are so valuable to me. The inspire hope and encouragement and The LORD has been literally speaking clear and directly to me through your daily writings1 EVERYTHING that you write daily....EVERYTHING.....IS WORD FOR WORD what I am needing to hear for the day and exactly what I'm going through or has to do with what I just read in The Holy Bible that day, or is pretty much what someone said to me, etc.

  • wow... a better teaching could not have been sent! Thank you and thank you Jesus!

  • Wow...Pastor Dion, I am so moved by your experiences. I know God is shining on you and through you. Thank you for sharing your story. I was the sole Survivor of a tragic car accident in an 2008 accident, when my Father and closest Brother died. It was during a time when I was mad at God and in a dark place after I lost my Dad and Brother that I first read the Refreshing Hope devotional. Now I'm married to a great Christian man. We have two beautiful children and 6 pets. We are Ministry Leaders at our Christian Church. I'm safe. I'm happy. And I'm a child of the most high King. God truly is present in all you do, Mr. Todd. You've been a safety net for me.