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Jesus: For Such a Time as This!

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* An online church for those who need one.

Comments by others:

  • Thank you for all the encouragement, wisdom, and insightful words. You and your ministry is a true gift from God.

  • I had no idea how God would use you to speak to my heart, and the hearts of my daughter, father and loved ones. My daughter started college a year ago and the first year was very difficult for her. She told me often how timely your messages were. My mother passed into His arms on May 2, 2013 and my dad has been touched and comforted by what you've shared. To be God's messenger is an enormous responsibility but you have been an incredible instrument in His orchestra. I will always be in awe how a man I've never met or known could touch my life and the lives of those I love!

  • Thank you for sharing who you are in your daily messages. It helps to know that the one teaching God's word is just as human as I am. While I do not possess computer and biblical smarts like you, I feel a connection in the common struggles which you speak of. It makes it easier to talk to God knowing this. Baring your feelings and soul to all of your readers takes courage. In doing so, God has reached me through your life and your messages. I truly appreciate all you do.