Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd December 20th, 2024 1,315 Views 30 Comments
As you would like people to do to you, do exactly so to them. Luke 6:31 WEB.
We had to park way out in the parking lot that day, and it was hot when we came out of the grocery store. There were no cart returns nearby, and I didn't really feel like taking the buggy all the way back to the building.
I saw a few other shopping carts nearby that people had left out in the parking lot. As I contemplated leaving my grocery buggy there with the others, this scripture came to my mind: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I knew without a doubt that it was the Holy Spirit speaking, and it brought immediate conviction. So I gathered all the buggies together and took them back.
It was a small thing, but God starts with small things. If you obey, He will give you bigger ones. Imagine the world if everyone followed this one commandment. It would be an entirely different place for us to live. You could walk the streets safely. There would be no abuse, murders, or robberies, and there would be a lot less divorce.
If you would like to make the world a better place today, try and follow this commandment. It is so simple to understand but by no means easy to do. He who is faithful in a little will also be faithful with a lot (Luke 16:10). Dare to be different. We can change the world one buggy at a time.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please show me the areas in my life that need improvement. Speak to me in a clear way and point things out things You would like me to change. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Today is "Feel Good Friday" at the FAAD (Fight Against Anxiety & Depression) group! On this day, we uplift each other with posts of encouragement and joy! All are welcome to join and participate! As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network. If you are interested in joining the prayer team, here is how to get started Prayer Partners.
When my neighbor died from a motorcycle accident, I was unaware of his death for 4 months. We used to walk our dogs together. He has three dogs, a Rottweiler mix, a Shepard mix, and a Shar Pei/ Pitt mix. I had 2 Basset Hounds and a Shepard/Rott mix. I recall our conversation once, when we spoke of how much we loved our dogs, and if anything happened to us we would want our dogs to stay together.
When Tony died, I figured that he must be traveling to AZ to see his girlfriend, or camping with the dogs. I had not seen him for 4 months, and I finally went to his house, saw the dogs behind his fence, and asked one of his neighbors to have him call me. That is when I found out that he had passed 4 months ago. A mailman was feeding the dogs once/ day, and the dogs were allowed to stay because the house was owned by a friend of Tony's and he did not know what to do with the dogs.
The last of my three dogs had died a month before this. My plan was to wait awhile, and then start fresh with a Basset Hound puppy. I remembered our conversation, and believed that I probably told him that if anything would happen to him, I would take all three dogs. He told me the same. I never thought he would die! He was 8 years younger than me! I really did not want 3 grown dogs! I prayed about it, crying, and asked God if I should take these dogs. Within 5 minutes came the thought " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I know this came from the Holy Spirit! It was the answer to my prayer. Not the answer I wanted, but the answer regardless. I had to find out who Mike the mailman was, and I immediately called him and said I would take the dogs. I did leave a way out, because I told him if the dogs went into my pond and bothered my fish or turtle, or if they hurt my two cats, he would have to think of another plan because I would not keep the dogs. The dogs did not go into my pond for one year, and they became best friends with my cats, immediately!
My Ragdoll Cat loved the dogs, and my Tabby took 4 months to adjust, and she did. The dogs were a blessing to me. I had the last of the three for about 5 years, and for the last 6 months of his life I got my goldendoodle puppy. Auggie loved Rusty and taught him a lot! I really miss those dogs!
Heavenly Father, please show me the areas in my life that need improvement. Speak to me in a clear way and point things out things You would like me to change. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well and are almost ready for Christmas. I is coming way too fast for me but I am excited to celebrate with my family!
Thank you,Pastor.I love this line:Imagine the world if everyone followed this one commandment. It would be an entirely different place for us to live. You could walk the streets safely. There would be no abuse, murders, or robberies, and there would be a lot less divorce
Comment from Susan Petho
2 months ago
Here is a very interesting addendum to this story...
Auggie was the last of the three dogs that died. I had to euthanize him on 2/9/2022. So I adopted all three on 3/4/2017. Lulu was the first to go on 12/1/2020. Roxy next on 6/2/2021. Mike, the mailman came to bury Auggie, as he did, Lulu. I have a pet cemetary in my yard. When I first got the 3 dogs, Mike the mailman gave me a license plate with the name Tony on it. I had placed that plate on top of my windowsill on the day he gave it to me, and it stayed there for the 5 years. After Mike buried Auggie and drove off, I walked into my house and Tony's license plate was on the floor! I can not explain such a strange phenomenon happening right when I have completed caring for his three dogs! I called Mike the mailman and told him! It sure seemed like this came from God! I see it as a 'thank you' from Tony. I also like to think of something like the Rainbow Bridge where we may be reunited with our pets. Maybe Tony was reunited with all three? I don't know! All I know is that it was very strange that after Auggie was buried, Tony's license plate was on the floor, and it had never moved for 5 years!
Comment from Sherry Mccosh
2 months ago
That was such a blessing to your neighbor and to his 3 dogs!!
Comment from Lynn Brown
2 months ago
That was a nice story, Susan. You were blessed with those dogs as well as being a blessing to your neighbor.💛
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
2 months ago
Aww Susan, what a story and what a testimony, I'm so touched!!! May God bless you abundantly and warm your heart especially at this CHRISTmas season!!! ❤️🤗🙏
Comment from Sylvia Todd
2 months ago
Aww, so sorry about your friend, Susan! I'm sure that was a blessing for those poor doggies, and for you to have them 💛!