Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd November 23rd, 2024 1,456 Views 32 Comments
So Yahweh blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand female donkeys. He had also seven sons and three daughters. Job 42:12–13 WEB.
Job was a very wealthy man who went through a terrible trial. He lost everything he had. Yet, when it was over, and Job prayed for his friends, all he had lost was returned double. In chapter one of the book of Job, he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yokes of oxen, and five hundred donkeys. In chapter forty, he had precisely twice this amount. Though his first group of children was with the Lord, Job was blessed with seven more sons and three more beautiful daughters. So at the end of the book, he had double the number of children as well. God restored it all.
You can't judge a book by reading a single page in the middle of it, nor can you properly evaluate your life by a season in the middle of it. During one year of my life, my business burned to the ground during an insurance lapse. My Dad passed away, I went through a divorce, and I started my life over with nothing. Yet, the Lord restored what I lost with better. And I thank God for getting me through those dark times. If I had given up, then I wouldn't be here writing this day.
"Better is the end of a thing than its beginning." Ecclesiastes 7:8.
The later part of your life can be better than the beginning. No matter what you are going through, God still has the same good plan for you that He had when you were born. When you are restored, it will be better than before. God has seen every tear, and He knows the pain you have been through. So be encouraged because this storm will pass. The Son will shine once again in your life. The ending can be better than the beginning, so don't give up in the middle.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for taking care of me. Though I don't understand many things, I choose to trust You. I know that You will take care of me, and I am so thankful. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.” James 5:13 ~ If you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network. If you are interested in joining the prayer team, here is how to get started Prayer Partners.
Heavenly Father, I can look back in my life and see that you were there in my dark times. Though I did not know it at the time, you were protecting me and guiding me. I will not understand your ways for my life, but I know I will keep trusting you, Lord! In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
3 months ago
Amen and Amen, Kevin, and the same for me, and all I can say is that HE was there all the time!!! Please know that you are in my prayers, I can feel your pain in regards to your brother!, as I've been praying for my 3 younger siblings for many years, something that happened between them, and they were unwilling to forgive, except for my brother closest in age to me! He forgave, thank the Lord, but has a hard time forgetting what happened! So we must continue to pray, and I know that our Lord and God hears us! God bless you and answer your prayers!! 🙏
Comment from Cathy Webb
3 months ago
Same story for me, Kevin! So thankful the Lord and His hand were over me in my wandering 🙏😊
Thank you pastor Dion ... normally I do not read every message that you send 🫣but this one I did ....I truly believe this is a message from God to me saying... Heidi it's not over ...better days are to come....It has been a rollercoaster all my life ...with only little brakes ...the last 20 years feel like I never got off of that rollercoaster...I am praying that I can get off that ride and just have some peace just for a little time ...
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
3 months ago
Oh, dear Heidi, we all love you here at our RHM family, we are all brothers and sisters here, and we only wish the best for you, God's very best, and His abiding peace in your heart, wrapped around you like a comforting warm blanket!! Heartfelt and ongoing prayers for you, and your brother Sasha!! Love, you, sister!!! ❤️🤗🙏
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
I pray that the Lord brings you peace and happiness Heidi ❤️ God bless you friend ❤️
Comment from Cathy Webb
3 months ago
Lifting you to the Lord in prayer, Heidi, that you will experience the supernatural peace of God this day 🙏❤️
Comment from Valeri Frank
3 months ago
Prayers for peace Miss Heidi... Hold on... Jesus is right beside you.
Comment from Celeste Strenn
3 months ago
Praying for you , peace 🙏 when I was rolling also, I read and prayed fervently Psalm 91 and convinced myself truly that if I can just stay in the shelter of those wings 🙏💖🙏then we can hide there and be safe, many many of the psalms have become my go to when I need the peace that passes understanding 💖 praying for you dear Heidi🙏
AMEN!!! So very thankful to be able to attend Sunday's service again, what a blessing for the rest of the week, giving me strength to go on trusting my Lord, my Heavenly Father!! The Lord layed something especially on my heart, that is to pray for reconciliation for all of us, including my brothers and sisters here at RHM! There are so many here that suffer and hurt due to broken relationships, especially with loved ones so near and dear to us, directly and indirectly, thinking of my 3 younger siblings, and others that came forward mentioning the heartache of a broken relationship between their brothers, sisters or other family members, and all we can be is trying to be peacemakers, but most of all pray without ceasing! The Lord hears and He answers all according to His time, as He did with one of my brothers closest to me in age! He forgave, but as he said has a very hard time trying to forget, which is to me to begin with almost a daily task, and then it will be forgotten to the point that you remember it no more! That's what happened to me years ago when I worked at a bank and there were certain people, that were jealous, well actually envious of me, and created al kinds of problems, but my God was in control, He meant it for good!!! So I know deep within my heart that He will make a way when there is no other way even to the point as far as my family is concerned, and all we have to do is to keep on going, keep on trusting, believing and praying!!! PTL today and forever!!! Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone, count your many blessings and see what God, our Lord, has done and will continue to do for all of us!!! 🙏
Comment from Rod Fortner
3 months ago
Amen, Liesel! Blessings to you and your family this holiday season. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. As you said, we are to pray without ceasing. How do we do that? By being in services, like today, by being in God's Word, and by praying to Him. Then as we meditate, throughout the day on what we've read and prayed to God about - we will be in that spirit of prayer throughout the day. Praying for all my RHM brothers and sisters. God bless you, Liesel! 🙏
I'm going through a tough time health wise, old age is creeping up quickly and a lot of my health problems are due to the changes and needing surgery. I've been out of work and work God gave me to glorify Him. This reading today is a reminder to keep plugging along with Jesus as Job did and not give up.
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
3 months ago
Same here, dear Paula, I know the feeling, getting older, increasing health problems, but worst of all the increasing health problems of all the ones around me with severe health issues that won't go away!! Please know that you are in my prayers so that the Lord would meet all of your needs, including health issues and being in the need of surgery!! May the Lord bless you with peace, and calm your heart, and let you know that He is with you!! "Numbers 6:24-26" 🙏🤗
Comment from Sylvia Todd
3 months ago
Praying for health, strength, grace, wisdom and provision, sister 💛!
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
Paula, I am sorry to hear of these issues. I pray that the Lord brings you health. I pray that He brings to you His Holy Spirit and speaks to you clearly. I pray He gets you off of the Rollercoaster and brings peace and happiness ❤️
Comment from Cathy Webb
3 months ago
Lifting you to the Lord in prayer, Paula! Our God is able and faithful 🙏❤️
Comment from Valeri Frank
3 months ago
I'm praying for you Miss Paula. You're right... Don't ever give up because Jesus is standing right beside us every step of our lives. He has you Paula... He will see you through every little struggle in your life. I also am aging and it seems that once I turned 60, my health started going downhill fast... But then Jesus walks in and makes everything okay again. I love our Lord. Bless you Miss Paula... God has your by your right hand...
Today’s message was just what I needed! I am going through a tough time in my life once again. I feel like it’s a never ending battle. I thank God I’m still here after my battle with stage three Hodgkins Lymphoma. It was a very difficult time for me and my wife. Shortly after that my leg pain started. I have been living on Pain medication three years now. Monday I see Dr Goodwin from HSS. My CT Scan shows after two Fusion surgeries some screws are loose. My family would say they knew that for years 🤣. On top of it Tuesday is my yearly appointment with Sloan. The stress each time is off the charts! Finally the financial burden from the flood in my son’s apartment. Three months later and we are still working on it. We are also waiting on NYS financial aid. The Holidays are coming and I am not feeling it! My Son invited his in-laws and Brother In Law’s family to replace my Daughters family. I truly don’t want them here! What am I supposed to do? I need you Lord Jesus to help me with this decision. 🙏 Thank you Pastor for being there all these years. God Bless.
Comment from John Petchonka
3 months ago
I want to Thank you all for your support and Prayers. I appreciate it more than words can express. God Bless all of you and may your Thanksgiving be blessed. Amen 🙏
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
I pray that the Lord brings you guidance. I pray that He removes the stress your feeling John. I also pray that He brings healing and health to you. Amen ❤️
Comment from Cathy Webb
3 months ago
Lifting you and these situations to the Lord, this morning, John. May God grant you wisdom and peace to navigate through this season. Asking for continued healing and supernatural joy to fill your heart. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Comment from Lynn Brown
3 months ago
Praying for all these situations to resolve in a positive manner, John. 🙏
Comment from Sylvia Todd
3 months ago
Praying for you, Dawn and your family, brother 🙏! (((HUGS)))
Comment from Mark Williams
3 months ago
I'm sorry you're going through this,John. I'll be praying for your situation,but you have to trust Jesus and know that Gods got this.
Good Saturday morning all 😊 I have a question... Have any of your kids decided that they don't want to believe in God anymore? My son told me he didn't believe anymore a few years ago. It just crushed me... 😕 So, I prayed about it. I prayed hard every day for a week... And I also talked to him about Jesus and what He had not only done in my life, but what He had done for my son. Then I told him about the night I was literally picked up in my car and moved out of the way of an oncoming car. There's no other way to explain it. I pulled out in front of a vehicle going at a higher rate of speed then I thought. It was nighttime and dark. All I can say is God reached down, lifted up my car and moved me out of the way. All I saw was headlights. It was definitely not my time to join Him in heaven that night. I feel so blessed. And above that, my son believes again and he prays every single day. So please, anyone going through a similar situation with a child, don't give up hope. God loves us all equally and He won't give up until that 1 sheep out of 100 is found safe and sound and brought back home.
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
Valeri, I have had instances like this myself. I was at work and got trap in a machine I was running. The machine was getting ready to crush me. Then God stop the machine right before I was getting ready to join Him in heaven. I have others but all I can say is I know that God is always there. Just like you. I pray that the Lord reaches your child and brings him back to flock. Amen ❤️
Comment from Lynn Brown
3 months ago
Thank you for sharing that story, Valeri! 🙏
Comment from Sylvia Todd
3 months ago
PTL, Valeri, praying for continued guidance for your son and for His protection 🙏!
I was starting to read "Happy Ending" by Pastor Dion. I received a message through Messenger on was a pop-up message that I saw while reading. I have been wondering about visiting a Church of Christ in this area. There are no musical instruments. But I have chatted with the pastor many times. I am going to try to go there in the morning. I am a member of First Baptist Church in Quinlan. On Dec. 9, we will have lunch at FBC after the worship service. I haven't been to FBC in quite some time. I will go the day they have lunch but not just for see if I want to start attending FBC more regularly, starting on December 1, or if I will want to visit the Church of Christ more often. Please keep in your prayers in Jesus' love, Nell :-)
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
Nell I am sure that God will guide you to the church that He feels fit. I pray that you enjoy your lunch outing and seeing some of your friends again. God bless you friend❤️
Amen and Amen!!! Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for everything, for taking care of me and reaching out to me so many times and for so many years! Though I do not understand all the many things going on, I choose to trust You! I know that YOU will take care of me, and hear my prayers also regarding all of my loved ones and so many others, and I am so very grateful and so very thankful, in the name of Jesus, Amen and Amen!!!
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
Amen Liesel ❤️ I am grateful for you and I cherish our friendship ❤️
I sure can relate to this message. In my early life, I went through many dark and scary times. I wanted to give up many times, but God had a purpose for my life and held on to me.
And now in the latter part of my life, I can truly say, "Better is the end of a thing than it's beginning." He is still taking care of me as I put my trust in Him. praise His name!