Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd October 2nd, 2024 1,578 Views 30 Comments
When they had gone through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. When they had come opposite Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit didn't allow them. Passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. A vision appeared to Paul in the night. There was a man of Macedonia standing, begging him and saying, "Come over into Macedonia and help us." When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go out to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the Good News to them. Acts 16:6-10 WEB.
There was a season in my life when I really caught fire for the Lord. It was a personal revival. I fasted, prayed, and listened to the Bible twenty-four-seven. Then I began to pray for the Lord to remove anything in my life that was holding me back from being closer to Him.
Everything was rosy for about two weeks. Then I was called to the office at work and laid off. I had worked a twelve-hour shift on the weekends and couldn't attend church for several years because of that. Well, now I could. But, for the first time in my life, I stood in the unemployment line asking, "God, where are you?"
During this time, I looked everywhere for work, but I found nothing. Finally, after an interview one day, a painting company hired me over the phone. They told me to be ready to start the following Monday morning. Monday came, and I drove there. On the way, I prayed that the Lord would keep me in His perfect will and that He would close any doors He didn't want me to go through and open the right door for me.
When I arrived, they had already hired someone they thought was me! It was a bit disappointing, but it was exactly what I had prayed for. Eventually, the right door opened up somewhere else. I went to work and led several people to the Lord during my time there.
Don't fight the closed doors. Be appreciative. They are tangible signs of God's love for you. A confirmation that He is guiding you and that He has something better right around the corner.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please close the doors I should stay out of and open the door I am supposed to go through. I want Your perfect will to be done in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: For those interested in the Wednesday mid-week prayer service, we are changing the time of the service starting today! Instead of 3pm, it will now take place at 10:30am EDT. This service is a short one (15-20 minutes) where we can join in prayer for your needs. If you would like to participate, here is the link: RHM Live.
Heavenly Father, please close the doors I should stay out of and open the door I am supposed to go through. I want Your perfect will to be done in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! Thank you so much Pastor Dion for all you do for all of us at Refreshing Hope Ministries. I pray for blessings on you and Sylvia, you both are amazing!! God bless everyone who is a part of Refreshing Hope Ministries !!
Amen and Amen!!! The Lord works in mysterious ways when we earnestly seek Him with all of hearts and souls in total surrender, "Jeremiah 29:13", HE has a plan for all of us, and HE will close doors and open new ones to direct us to where we should go!! That's true for my life, and so true for your life, Pastor!!! You are where you belong according to His will for your life, and we are so very grateful to call you Pastor, our Pastor!! May HE continue to bless you and Sylvia, in the name of Jesus, AMEN!!!
Comment from Michele Copley
5 months ago
Glory to God! His perfect and mysterious way of making His will known, but too all we surrender to Him, earnestly seeking Him! Yes, I feel gladness hearing RHM's Pastor Dion's Bible story sharing, his own sharing of past life experiences, his prayers being answered, seeking plans for ministry, having those desires fulfilled, and partnering so beautifully with his wife, Sylvia. It's a tender caring outreach, Biblically sound fellowship ministry. Amen, amen!!
Good morning, y'all, praying you all have a blessed Wednesday 🌻! Just a reminder that, starting today, our Wednesday services will be at 10:30am Eastern, instead of 3pm. Hope to see y'all there 😀! Here is the link if you would like to join later:
Comment from Scott Riegelmann
5 months ago
Good morning RHM family, love you guys 😍😘
Dear God, May Your perfect will be done in my life, as You know it. Thank You for having closed certain doors in my past circumstances and when I was uncertain of what to choose, was confused. I completely am gladly trusting You for working Your perfect will in me, and for my family as well; that I pray joyfully, In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong to those whose hearts are perfect towards Him (II Chronicles 16:9). God is continually looking and listening for those who are worshiping Him with their hearts and praising Him with their lips. When you begin to set your love upon God in this manner, Psalms 91:14-15 declares that God will be with you in trouble, He will answer you, He will honor you, and He will deliver you. Praise is a mighty weapon. So if you still have breath, praise the Lord. +++
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
5 months ago
"Psalm 150:6" - Let us all bow our heads and praise the Lord and worship Him! 🙏