Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd October 1st, 2024 2,905 Views 28 Comments
Now when Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and Yahweh's glory filled the house. 2 Chronicles 7:1 WEB.
When the Israelites completed the tabernacle and altar as Moses instructed, God lit the fire (Leviticus 9:23). Then, the priests were ordered never to let the flame die out. They were to add more wood each morning (Leviticus 6:12).
Later, when they built the temple of Solomon, God lit a fire there as well. Then the priests were ordered to keep the fire burning continuously. There was a pattern. God lit the fire. The priests had to keep it burning.
God starts the fire inside us when we first come to Him. There is a holy spark inside of us, but we are to keep the fire burning. You can take an ember out of a roaring fire and set it on the mantle by itself, but it will soon grow cold when it is alone. If you place it back into the fireplace with the other embers, it will glow hot again.
Spending time with the Lord daily, reading, or hearing the word of God being read, and being around others who have the fire will all help keep your inner flame burning. Take a little time to thank God for the things that have gone right in your life. Pray, praise, and invite Him to be a part of whatever you do today. That will fan the flames. God started it, but we have to keep the fire burning.
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden's sinless paradise, at least at the beginning. But everyone since then has struggled just like us. If you have never been through anything, you don't have much to share with others. So don't stop. Don't give up. No one promised that life would be easy. You can do this, and with God's help, you will make it through.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please light the fire inside of me and give me the grace to keep it burning. I welcome You into my life Lord Jesus. Shine Your love through me. Teach me all about You. I want to know every detail. Please guide my steps. Open the doors that I should go through and close the doors that I should stay out of. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Good morning and welcome to October :)! There was an error with yesterday's email which may have caused you to receive the wrong devotional - sorry about that :)! You should have received the video devotional for the week, "Creation and Corruption". If you missed it and would like to read or watch it, here it is: Creation and Corruption
Thank you all for your Prayers. God knows we need them. However after seeing the devastation from Helene our Flood is in the process of being restored. Thank You Pastor for the word today. I truly was about to give up fighting for compensation from the State. Your Pray today reignited my fire. God Bless Everyone π
Heavenly Father, Prayers to those involved in the latest Hurricane. Prayers they have Peace and Comfort. In Christ name , Amen!
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
5 months ago
Joining your prayer, brother, with all of my heart, soul and mind, in the name of Jesus, Amen and Amen!!!
Heavenly Father, please light the fire inside of me and give me the grace to keep it burning. I welcome You into my life Lord Jesus. Shine Your love through me. Teach me all about You. I want to know every detail. Please guide my steps. Open the doors that I should go through and close the doors that I should stay out of. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Heavenly Father, please light the fire inside of me and give me the grace to keep it burning. I welcome You into my life Lord Jesus. Shine Your love through me. Teach me all about You. I want to know every detail. Please guide my steps. Open the doors that I should go through and close the doors that I should stay out of. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! β€οΈπ€π»
Dear Heavenly Father... Please keep the fire burning inside of me. Please help me to light the fire within someone for You... Everyone needs to know who You are... We all need to know exactly who You are and what You are doing in the world today. Please Lord, help me to introduce anyone who crosses my path to You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen ππΌ
Comment from Susan Petho
5 months ago
John, I am praying for you, your family, and all those who have suffered through this flood.
Comment from Sylvia Todd
5 months ago
Praying for y'all and your home, brother π!