Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd September 1st, 2024 1,802 Views 32 Comments
The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does God's will remains forever. 1 John 2:17 WEB.
It was my first day of school at Kingston Elementary. Early that morning, my stepmother pulled up to the school, pushed me out of her car, and drove off. Standing alone in the parking lot, I felt like a fish out of water. Panic, fear, abandonment, and a few other strong emotions rolled over me as I watched her car drive away. I remember it vividly today.
I was six years old and starting in the first grade, totally lost and knowing no one. I had spent my whole life up to that point barefoot on a farm exploring the woods and fishing holes a bit like Tom Sawyer. This particular stepmother had kept me out of kindergarten the year before because it was too much trouble. They would probably have kept me out of school altogether if not for truant officers.
Eventually, a teacher found me wandering around lost and lovingly helped me get to the right class. I thank God for teachers. A good teacher can make such an impact on the mind of a child. Each day became easier, and soon I began to enjoy school. Now that horrible first day is only a distant memory. And something that I thought was bad turned out to be something good.
Many things in my life seemed like the end of the world while they were happening, yet now they are only a distant memory. All of the troubles and trials we go through in this life are temporary, and they will pass. Even the end of our life is merely the beginning of something new. So be encouraged today, for even if the world passes away, it will just be a memory to those with eternal life. We will probably name it a holiday and remember it as "The day the world passed away."
The troubles of today will pass, and it will not be the end of us. We will live for eternity and spend time with the Lord Jesus Christ making more memories. So keep a positive attitude and trust God to work things out for the best. Don't let a fearful situation get the best of you, for this will pass.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, my eyes are on You. Please walk with me today and let me know You are there. Send me the Comforter like You promised, for I need You more today than ever. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Happy Sunday! For those who would like to join us, today we will be hosting our RHM Live Online church service. This is a special time of interactive worship, prayer, fellowship and an inspiring message. All are welcome! The service starts at 10am EDT. Here is the link to join: RHM Live. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.
Pastor Todd,
All the things that you went through as a child,
is proof that God knew you before He even formed
the earth, (Eph 1:4) and knew your name. He chose you and
like all of us who went through our life making a mess of
things before we came to Him, chose to follow Him no
matter what. Thank God for your life, and what you do for
the Kingdom!
A VERY timely message, thank you. Yesterday, 9/1, was a very difficult day for me but one I needed to go through... it brought a huge change in my life and release of the past 8 toxic years... sad and heartbreaking but freeing ... I think about the saying "Just when the caterpillar thought it's life was over it became a butterfly" God brings us through difficult times, makes us stronger and gives us the opportunities to help others going through similar struggles. I pray now that God gives me the strength and clarity of mind to stay the necessary course.
Amen! I love this devotional! Looking back at some of the most difficult times in my life feels like it was just a dream now. That's why it is so important to never give up and know that things will get better no matter what! Dion, I love how you put that we can look back at " the day the world passed away, " when it is just a memory during our eternal life!
WE PRAISE AND LOVE YOU LORD. I love todays devotion It goes deep into my heart.”The troubles of today will pass, and it will not be the end of us. We will live for eternity and spend time with the Lord Jesus Christ making more memories. So keep a positive attitude and trust God to work things out for the best. Don't let a fearful situation get the best of you, for this will pass.” This part I send to my nephew.
Amen and Amen, Pastor!!! Something especially struck me in this devotion is as you ended with "And something that I thought was bad turned out to be something good", in this testimony of your early childhood, Pastor!, this teacher was like an angel sent from the Lord like "Angels unaware in our lives"!! "But HE meant it for good" really applies to all of us, Genesis 50:20, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but GOD meant it for good . . . "!! What a loving and merciful Heavenly Father we have, who stretched out His arm (according to the Prophet Isaiah) to bring salvation unto us, who mysteriously works in our lives often behind the scenes, and when we look back at our lives we realize what He has done, praise His holy name, God bless you, Pastor!!! 🙏
Comment from Sherry Mccosh
6 months ago
Yes I agree, wonderful comment!
Heavenly Father, my eyes are on You. Please walk with me today and let me know You are there. Send me the Comforter like You promised, for I need You more today than ever. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! I love this devotion today. I do look forward to eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ. I know I am saved and loved dearly by Jesus Christ and our Father God. God has provided everything that I have and He continues to supply all my needs and alot of the desires of my heart. I am very thankful for all He has done and is doing. Do we still have pain and sorry in this life? Yes , we do but God gives us a way to bear it and keep moving on, He gives us His Peace that transcends all understanding and He provides for all our needs and many of our wishes. Thank you for this devotion today. I really loved readying this!
Comment from Dion Todd
6 months ago
Yes, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been there 😀
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
6 months ago
Amen and Amen, Burma!! Thanking the Lord for Pastor Dion!!! 🙏