Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd August 8th, 2024 2,088 Views 34 Comments
I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes. You will keep my ordinances and do them. Ezekiel 36:25-27 WEB.
I grew up a bit different than most. My Mom married and divorced nine times, and my Dad three. Everyone I knew, and every home I stayed at, was temporary. One day they were your family, and the next day, your enemy. I don't even remember all their names, and many of them never bothered to learn mine.
During one family arrangement, I was the youngest of thirteen children. Ten of them were step-siblings who despised the idea of us being there. It was not uncommon to see them as grown men fist-fighting in the yard and sometimes in the house. I watched Dad get his shirt ripped off more than once while trying to pull them apart. One of my step-brothers liked to sit in the woods with his rifle scope aimed at Dad's head.
Early on, I learned to stay out of the way and keep a low profile, but I had my head beat against the wall more than once. I was the least of them all and an outsider. Living like this began when I was one year old, so I grew up thinking that it was normal family behavior. It wasn't.
By the time I was an adult, I had developed a heart of stone. There were about three people on earth in total that I cared anything about. Yet, I had enough ex-family members to populate a small city. When some of them died, I felt joy. I developed a hard shell where no one could hurt me anymore, and I really had no feelings left for anyone. The downside of this is that when you can no longer feel the pain, you can no longer feel love.
After I came to know Jesus, He started melting this stony shell of mine little by little. Slowly, I began to care for people. It seemed strange at first. Finally, at about thirty-five, I actually fell in love for the first time. I got married and have lived happily ever since. Now, I cry at the movies. God gave me a new heart.
There is healing for a heart of stone. God can give you a new one, and you can feel love like you are supposed to. We are created to love God and love one another. The more time you spend with Jesus, the softer your heart will become. He can fix the brokenhearted.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please soften my heart and show me Your love. Remove my heart of stone and give me a new one. Please give me a fresh start today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Today is Thankful Thursday at the Ministry Events group! This event gives us an opportunity encourage each other by posting thoughts, moments, and prayers of gratitude for Him, His creation and all that He does in our lives. All our welcome! To join, just click on the group name and then the join link on the page that will follow. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.
Good morning, y'all, happy Thursday 😀! Lord willing, we are expecting our last day with TS Debby - the Lord has been merciful thus far - heavy rain and and off, some wind but not the worst, and the power has stayed on - PTL 🙏!
Comment from Sherri Mcgraw
7 months ago
We've had Debby all morning and this afternoon, she's supposed to be around till about noon tomorrow. We have about 750 without power right now. Downed lines and trees. I've been listening to my police scanner on my phone and the police, firefighters, volunteers, paramedics and our linemen are just running everywhere. I pray God protects them all and keeps them safe.
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
7 months ago
PTL, Sylvia, cont'd prayers! 🙏 💛
Comment from Tyler Velau
7 months ago
Praise God for all of His kindnesses and mercies. He has been gracious to us out here in the West too! Monsoon season is in full swing out here and He's been very kind to us out here, the nastier ones have passed us by. Lord willing, we won't get hit by any nasty ones for the rest of the summer/Fall monsoon season. May the Lord be with us all and guide us to where we need to be and help us to learn what we are to do. Amen.
Comment from Lynn Brown
7 months ago
Praise God and praying it moves out soon!🙏
Thankful to God, for your life becoming so positively changed from your growing up years before. I am sorry you experienced such turmoil and pain, unloving hearts of people. How God though, perfectly in time, led you into arms of loving kind- hearted people, learning of what joy and God's pure love is, including soon caring for people, His speaking to your heart, then healing your heart as you were open to His love, rescuing you! I pray for your relatives, that they find God as their own faithful Friend and deliverer, have opened eyes to know His love and peace, hearts which becomes softened by opening to Jesus' saving love and grace, knowing freedom in His forgiveness, having eternal life in God.
I grew up in a toxic family setting. Parents divorced after 27 years. I also stayed in a toxic relationship for 27 years. I guess children learn what they live. I believe that I've passed it on to my son, my only child. My heart has not hardened, but not as free to love or be loved. Praying for a rested heart, mind and soul.
Comment from Valeri Frank
7 months ago
I too grew up that way... Miss Susan, I'm praying for you to heal from a lifetime of abuse. Jesus will do that for you... He's definitely helped me in my healing process... Peace and love to you... 🙏🏼
Wow! Great testimony! It's so sad though to think of you as a little boy having to go through such things and all alone. I hate that for you and for the many others that may be going through that right now or worse. My heart breaks for this/them. Thanks for putting this on! No telling how many of those who grew up in similar circumstances will read this and find hope and a way to meet the Lord! I pray that all who need this will have it come across their paths by the Holy Spirit's work!