Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd May 10th, 2024 1,791 Views 25 Comments
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways," says Yahweh. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8 WEB.
Trying to understand God is a crossroads that everyone comes to at some point. It causes many people to stumble. We do not know, nor can we understand everything God is, what He is doing, or why He does it. He is the Creator while we are created. We cannot make an image of Him, for it will only become an idol. We can't package Him up, for He is a living Entity and, with a whisper, could pack us up in a coffin. He is not domesticated. God is not a pet. And though we love our nativity scenes, Jesus is not a baby. When He returns to Earth, He will come as the reigning King, and people's hearts will fail them because of fear.
Many come to a crossroads in their faith because they cannot understand why something is happening in their lives. Many times, there is just no explanation. It has happened to me. When we don’t know what He is doing, we have to trust Him. Even though things inside us want to scream, and sometimes He will let you do that without saying a word.
One year our computer business dried up, and we couldn’t find work anywhere. We prayed, gave, fasted, and advertised, but things only grew worse. When I would pray and ask the Lord about it, He wouldn't say anything. There was only silence. It continued until we began packing to move out of our house. Then, by the end of that week, a door opened for me to become a pastor. His plans are layered and complicated, with many living parts that fit together. But the simple fact is that sometimes He does not tell us why He is doing something.
The week before He pushed us into ministry, it was the furthest thing from my mind. Clark W. Griswold told Eddie in the movie Christmas Vacation: "If I woke up in the morning with my face sewn to the carpet, I would not be more surprised than I am right now." That is the way that I felt about being in ministry. But before He opened that door, there was a long dark time when He said nothing at all. Think of the silence as a dramatic pause, for the next thing He said was deeply significant.
Jesus said, "Most certainly, I tell you, whoever doesn't receive God's Kingdom like a little child, he will in no way enter into it." (Luke 18:17 WEB). Children completely depend on their parents to take care of them. When a person enters the kingdom of God, it will not be because they were a successful preacher. It will not be because they were a good steward or a faithful spouse and parent. It will not be because they were kind, loving people that smiled a lot. When they enter the kingdom of God, it will be because they came to Christ as a helpless child who trusted Him.
You don't need to understand what God is doing in your life today. Just trust that He will make the right decision. In the end, all things will work out for good. Feel free to tell Him, "Lord, I don't understand what's going on, but I know that somehow You are going to take care of me." He is the Potter. We are the clay. Let Him carry the burden of how all of this will turn out.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You know all things, and nothing is hidden from You. You are the Potter. I am the clay. I choose to trust You with my life. Please mold me and make me as You see fit. I am Yours. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: The FAAD (Fight Against Anxiety & Depression) hosts "Feel Good Friday" at RHM each week! All are welcome to share a moment, thought or prayer to lift the spirits of the fellowship! Feel Good Friday takes place on the home page at RHM! As always, If you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network
God I don’t know how I continue living.
Comment from Michele Copley
9 months ago
When I feel distraught, or fearful, when worries have been too much, or whatever the reason, it's coming to God's abundant supply of steady comfort from His presence, knowing He hears my prayers, has answers for wisdom for me in His Word, our secure foundation, cornerstone. God's Holy Spirit's peace never disappoints to lead us to answers, which in His time, and will for us, we can be sure, He has plans for each of us in life, and, our difficulty of overcoming lack of faith is only temporary, when we know God is working for us not against us and He can help restore our faith for all our tomorrows! It's a release we can know and be sure of, when we're focused on desiring lifting His name up in praise, acknowledging His strength is sufficient, and, when trusting Him as our prayers prayed one for another. That joy elated, in joining in unison in prayers, our relationship with Jesus grows stronger as He goes to His Father for us! Yes, God knows all about us, our every need, and our faith Is made full in Him! Praying for you, Mari. Your friend, Michele
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
9 months ago
Dearest Mari, all I can do is to remind you of "John 3:16", God loved you so much that He stretched out His arms, suffered and died for you and me, there is no greater love than this!!! He carried the cross for all of us, and as we believe in Him and follow Him we too have to carry our little crosses, and as we go through so many things, HE is walking with us that much I know speaking for myself!! Sending you a loving hug and prayers, dear sister, love you!!! :)
Comment from Lynn Brown
9 months ago
Prayers for comfort and strength, Mari. Amen.
Comment from Sylvia Todd
9 months ago
Praying for His peace and guidance, sister 🙏!
Father You have blessed me greatly,and when I have fallen and it gets dark I always come to you for help. Just the fact that I know your listening to me makes feel good. I have truly turned my life over you you Lord. I except whatever comes my way because I know it's your will,and I know you are always there for me. Amen ❤️
Oh! What a wonderful testimony how God made a way over and over, in your job and ministry to open doors for service and outreach, what an Awesome, Good God!! Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You and trust You fully, my desire is Your ways for my life, Your using me and my family for Your glory and honor, testimonial outreach, believing, how no matter is too hard for You!
Ps 106.13 But they soon forgot what he had done
and did not wait for his plan to unfold. (NIV)
I am on a journey from presumption to faith. The foundation of true faith is knowing His agape love and cleaving to it. He has a plan for us if we don't act as the Israelites did in building the golden calf. Our plans may seem good, and waiting for the Lord often feels irresponsible, but our plans are golden calves.
Comment from Cathy Webb
9 months ago
So true, Richard! The writer of Hebrews describes Abraham as waiting patiently (6:15) ... a model for our lives. ❤️
Amen I trust you fully Father even though I don't understand why things happen the way they do but in the end my life belongs to you and your ways are better than my ways, I TRUST YOU LORD WHO SUFFERED FAR GREATER THAN I EVER WILL! Help me see where I fit within the body of Christ.