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Great Adventures

Posted by Dion Todd April 23rd, 2024 2,024 Views 18 Comments

Yahweh said to Aaron, "Go into the wilderness to meet Moses." He went, and met him on God's mountain, and kissed him. Moses told Aaron all Yahweh's words with which he had sent him, and all the signs with which he had instructed him. Exodus 4:27–28 WEB.

The Lord spoke to Aaron and told him to meet his brother Moses in the wilderness. We don't know what Aaron was busy doing when the Lord began talking to him. I am sure he had plans for the afternoon, as we all do. Aaron may have been at home or out gathering straw to make bricks. After all, he was living as a slave in Egypt.

Aaron hadn't seen his brother Moses in a long time. Though Moses had been raised by Pharaoh's daughter in Egypt, he had to leave after killing an Egyptian slave driver who was beating a Hebrew. After that, Moses lived in exile while Aaron and their sister Miriam remained in Egypt. Forty years passed.

Then the day came when the Lord told Aaron to go into the wilderness and meet his little brother. When he did, a life-changing adventure began for all of them. Aaron couldn't have known what was coming. He would become an essential part of changing the known world and witness miracle after miracle. That all started by hearing the voice. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). We know that God spoke to Moses, but we often forget that He also talked with Aaron.

Every journey starts with a first step. God prompts you to do something, a door opens, and you go through it. When you are obedient, another door opens, and you take another step. The adventure will not begin until you take step one, and you will not see stage two until you have completed the first one. So if you feel God prompting you to do something, take the first step towards making it happen. If Aaron had not, he would have missed the most incredible adventure of his life.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for all You have done for me. Thank You for bringing me this far. Please give me a clear vision of what You have for me, and show me where my time is best spent. Help me focus on the right things and lead me into adventures for You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: The Creation Photographer theme of the week is "April Showers Bring… Mud Puddles and May Flowers" and is wide open for interpretation! Until we get our groups area going, we invite you to share your photos on the website home page. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.

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Post from Wesley Paulus

Wesley Paulus commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago


Post from Liesel aka lisa Wardle

10 months ago

AMEN and AMEN!!! My entire life has been an adventure, but when I turned my life over to my Lord & God, when I actually sought Him and found Him, like it says in Jeremiah 29:13, that's when my real adventure began, my never ending journey with my Lord, praise His Holy Name!!! Please Lord, continue to help me focus on You and Your vision for my life, and help me reach out to others so that they can see You, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen and Amen!!!

Post from Lynn Brown

Lynn Brown commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Help me to focus on the right things Father, Amen.

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Comment from Dan Remley

10 months ago

Amen Lynn❤️

Post from Dan Remley

Dan Remley commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Lord you have opened many doors for me in my life. You have blessed me dearly throughout my life. I am always listening and looking for the next door to open. Amen ❤️

Post from Sherry Mccosh

Sherry Mccosh commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Heavenly Father, I thank You for all You have done for me. Thank You for bringing me this far. Please give me a clear vision of what You have for me, and show me where my time is best spent. Help me focus on the right things and lead me into adventures for You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Post from Cathy Webb

Cathy Webb commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Appreciate the way you highlight these lessons on obedience, Pastor Dion. Lord, keep my focus on Your Voice and prompting. Find me alert and willing. Amen

Post from Bella Colliander

Bella Colliander commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Father, help me to focus on what's right. Amen!

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Comment from Cathy Webb

10 months ago

With you in this prayer, Bella! Praying for God's grace and peace for you this morning. ❤️

Post from David Krull

David Krull commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Amen. Thank you Jesus for this day and for the life You have given me.

Post from Marisa Jackson

Marisa Jackson commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Alleluia 🙏❤️!! Amen🙏❤️!!Alleluia❤️🙏🙏!!

Post from Scott Riegelmann

Scott Riegelmann commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Amen thank you Father for watching over myself and my family

Post from Debi Burton

Debi Burton commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Heavenly Father, I thank You for all You have done for me. Thank You for bringing me this far. Please give me a clear vision of what You have for me, and show me where my time is best spent. Help me focus on the right things and lead me into adventures for You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! ❤️

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Comment from Sylvia Todd

10 months ago

Amen, sister 🙏!

Post from Yvette York

Yvette York commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Amen Good Morning Everyone

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Comment from Sylvia Todd

10 months ago

Good morning, Yvette 😀!

Post from Wanda Pennington

Wanda Pennington commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Amen and Amen

Post from Candy Laventure

Candy Laventure commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago


Post from Schalk de Beer

Schalk de Beer commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago

Yes, amen Lord.

Post from Kay Collinsworth

Kay Collinsworth commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago


Post from Celeste Strenn

Celeste Strenn commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Great Adventures

10 months ago


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