Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd April 19th, 2024 2,227 Views 18 Comments
One of them, a lawyer, asked him a question, testing him. "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, " 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. A second likewise is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments." Matthew 22:35–40 WEB.
Many people I talk with or invite to a Church service will not come because they feel something is wrong in their life. They tell me they want to get things fixed in their life first, and then they will come to Church. We often hear, "We need to get our house in order first." Of course, decades pass, and the devil sees that those things will never be right in their lives. Things usually get worse.
The truth is, you will never make yourself good enough for God. That is why He sent His son Jesus to bear our sins on the cross. Now His door is wide open, and He says, "Come just as you are, and I will help you." He took away the obstacles and excuses.
There are said to be about 613 commandments in the Bible. But when they asked Jesus about the greatest commandment, He replied with only two: "Love God" and "Love your neighbor." If you fully obeyed these two commandments, you would not have to worry about the others, for they would be covered. It would eliminate stealing, adultery, murder, idols, and much more. Obeying just these two commandments would completely change the world we live in.
So let us stop being stalled on commandment 572 and focus on getting the first two right! Sometimes we get so sidetracked that we miss the simplicity of the Gospel, the Good News. Come to God now, just as you are. If He has a problem with you, His Holy Spirit will convict you one thing at a time and give you the grace to change it. Love God, love your neighbor, for those are the greatest commandments.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please fill me with Your love for others. Let me see them through Your eyes. You made each one of us, and You don't make mistakes. I love You. Please love through me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: The FAAD (Fight Against Anxiety & Depression) hosts "Feel Good Friday" at RHM each week! All are welcome to share a moment, thought or prayer to lift the spirits of the fellowship! Feel Good Friday takes place on the home page at RHM! As always, If you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network
Two copies of the devotional went out this morning! Sorry about that. I mirrored to my development server and missed disabling the scheduled emails, so both machines faithfully did their job and sent emails to everyone. So you got 2 of each today. That should not happen tomorrow! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Comment from Will Williams
10 months ago
No apology necessary! The 2 copies sent to me weren't mirrored. The 'Bible Fun Facts' were different. (smirk)
Comment from Cathy Webb
10 months ago
Smiling, Pastor Dion! I didn't sign up for the full text devotional thinking I would develop a firmer discipline for intentionally going to the website for the text and be ready for other tasks I want to do there. So, only one email in my box. I love technology when it works as programmed, don't you?! ❤️
Comment from Scott Riegelmann
10 months ago
Great new website pastor proof no one is perfect LOL
Comment from Bella Colliander
10 months ago
You're doing a great job. Thank you for this beautiful new website. Everything is falling into place 😌.
Father, help me to love others well and work in my heart to love the difficult ones, Amen.
Comment from Debi Burton
10 months ago
Heavenly Father, please fill me with Your love for others. Let me see them through Your eyes. You made each one of us, and You don't make mistakes. I love You. Please love through me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! ❤️