The Promised Land

Posted by Dion Todd March 25th, 2022 4,428 Views 0 Comments

Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you, and all this people, to the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread on, to you have I given it, as I spoke to Moses. Joshua 1:2'3 WEB.

The Israelites gathered together on the bank of the Jordan River. God had miraculously provided for their every need for the last forty years. He parted the red sea so they could cross safely (Exodus 14:21). He went before them as a cloud to lead them during the day. It changed to a pillar of fire at night to give them light (Exodus 13:21). He fed them mana from heaven for forty years (Exodus 16:35). Even their clothing didn't wear out (Nehemiah 9:21).

God had done it all until then, but they were going to be working together from here on. To take the promised land, the Israelites would have to fight for it city by city. God told Joshua, "Every place that you set your foot, I will give you" (Joshua 1:3). Yet, Joshua died before they took it all (Judges 1:1). So every place they didn't set their foot wasn't given to them.

The Israelites were to work with God now and conquer the existing inhabitants of the land. The ones they didn't drive out became thorns in their sides and a snare to them (Judges 1:32, 2:3). What they allowed to stay in the land, God allowed as well. He allowed them to make the decision.

Israel crossed the Jordon river (Joshua 3:17). We can see that as a form of baptism. Then they were circumcised at Gigal (Joshua 5:2), renewing a covenant relationship with God. To us, it's circumcision of the heart (Romans 2:29), but still a covenant relationship, an agreement, a contract.

The first city they went up against was Jericho, and all the gold and silver were to be brought into the treasury of the Lord (Joshua 5:19). We can see this as tithing, giving God the first part of our income. That is the first city you will come to in your Christian walk. God will test you to see who you love the most, Him or your money. Achan just couldn't do it, so he kept some for himself, then Israel lost the next battle at Ai, for God was no longer with them (Joshua 7:1). The Israelites couldn't take the second city until they had dealt with the first one properly. Neither will you.

Today, God takes care of what we cannot do just as with them. He created salvation and redemption because we couldn't. Think of that as crossing the Jordan river into the promised land. Now you are saved. Your feet are in the promised land, but it's not entirely yours until you work with God to take the rest of it by force.

Jesus said, "That which proceeds out of the man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of the hearts of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, sexual sins, murders, thefts, covetings, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and defile the man" (Mark 7:20 WEB).

What you allow to remain inside of you, God allows as well. Our hate, anger, bitterness, greed, lust, jealousy, strife, and addictions will stay as long as we "tolerate" them. God will not separate us from our friends. When we decide to get rid of them, He will help us. It's a battle that we fight together, with God helping us.

The Lord worked with the Israelites as they took their promised land. He rained hailstones down on some of their enemies (Joshua 10:11) and sent hornets after others (Joshua 24:12). He will work with us to take back our land as well. If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19).

The enemies we face, like addictions, will do anything to stay just as theirs did. The Gibeonites lied to the Israelite leaders and got them to sign a treaty of peace. The Israelites didn't inquire of God but followed their own judgment instead and were deceived. God let them (Joshua 9:14). Your enemies will lie to you and tell you it's harmless so they can stay, but you can't hold hands with the destroyer and expect good things to come from it.

Everyone who gets serious with God knows when He puts His finger on something in their life that needs to change. So work with God to stomp out the bad and bring forth a harvest of good in your life. Pull down the strongholds one at a time as God brings you to them, just like the cities. Take control of what's rightfully yours, your own body, mind, and mouth.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that You give me the grace to change for the better. Don't let me stay the same! Please break me out of the shell I have formed. Deliver me and set me free from the things that bind me. Help me see what needs to change in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: FAAD group members (Fight Against Anxiety & Depression) today is"Feel Good Friday!". This event is about lifting up each other up! We all have times when we are weak, but together, we can get through it! We invite you to share anything that may have prompted a good feeling in your heart today. Even if you're having a bad day, perhaps look to encouraging scriptures, prayers or thoughts, and testimonies of God's work. Whether you are suffering from anxiety or depression or just want to help, all are welcome to join!: FAAD Group:

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