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Turn to Him

Posted by Jeffrey Smith July 26th, 2016 3,850 Views 0 Comments

Psalm 81:13-16 : “If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!  Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”

I'm not sure if there is much explanation needed here. A lot of times when we are faced with the perception of enemies around us, we panic, turn off our ears, and eyes to the Lord and just get caught deeper and deeper in the snare. The word tells us that the enemy is like a roaring lion (1Peter 5:8) and that we should have a sober mind. A sober mind is one that is not corrupt with poisons. When we think of sobriety we automatically think of alcohol, and yet it is deeper in this meeting. This word speaks to the cloudiness that comes from fear, the haze of indecision. When we are faced with enemies we have a mind that fights the council of God. Our reaction can be one of two things, fight or flight. When mind takes over a situation, we disconnect from everything else except that decision. The problem with trying to do things in life from our own mind is that we are imperfect! We make dumb decisions and get ourselves further ensnared in the trap of the enemy. 

The Lord tells us, and is almost desperate to be clear with us, if ONLY we would listen to the Lord, and follow what He tells us, how quickly would He subdue our enemy and turn His hand against our foe! If we do that, the Lord handles our situations. He will make it so uncomfortable for our enemy, that our enemy will not be focused on trapping us, because they made themselves an enemy of the Lord! When we trade our fight and flight for listening and obeying, we will be provided the finest wheat, with honey from the rock! Jesus is our rock, and from Him comes the eternal food. Honey is one of the only foods that is natural and that never spoils, and the finest wheat speaks of the temporary seasons of the finest things in this life. We will have the best of all worlds when we just let the Lord take on our enemies, listen and follow what He tells us to do. We will never be in lack, never be put to shame (Isaiah 54:4) and we will feel the love the Father wants to pour out on us. He wants me to share this with you. He is desperate to get this point to you. If my people would just listen to me, and follow what I tell them to do...Will you join me today? 

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