Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith July 11th, 2016 3,807 Views 0 Comments
Matthew 9:5: Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?
Jesus meets us where we are in life. He asks all of us who go to Him what we want to see happen in our situations. We all have a choice to receive healing, provision, and wholeness. Whatever area we lack in, Jesus is there to meet our need.
The key is for us to believe, have faith and receive. You see we have all been programed to "do" things and for the most of us who have a heart to serve, we desire a job to do, an action to prove our value, and some sort of skin in the game. We aren't looking for a free lunch, and the thought of receiving help, or assistance is like a death sentence. It is the removal of our self out of the equation of self-help. We desire wholeness, wellness, and success, but we want a part in it. There is nothing wrong with the idea of it. We are all good in the heart of it. We don't want to burden anyone. We are not takers, we are givers.
We see that in many instances Jesus comes to meet a paralytic. Mark 2 tells us that a man who was paralyzed was seeking Jesus believing that he would walk again. He probably heard the stories, and caught the desire deep within to seek. He probably had left the dream of walking again long before Jesus came through healing others. Hearing all of the things Jesus was doing, the man got four men to help him to where Jesus was preaching. There was no room inside or outside. There were so many there to hear, and see Jesus that any normal person would have probably given up, and retreated to their routine. Instead, the desire was so great, the four men made a hole in the roof of the place and lowered the man in the room near Jesus (Mark 2:3,4)! Immediately Jesus tells the man that his sins are forgiven! Before the man gets up and walks out of there fully healed, we see the teachers of the law with negative thoughts. Jesus feels it in His spirit and confronts them about it. Ultimately Jesus tells the man to " get up, take your mat and go home (Mark 2:11)." The man at that point gets up and walks out. What is easier to say?
Do we need to be told an action item or receive forgiveness? Knowing that we are forgiven for our sins seems to be the key to being healed. Some of us can miss this and find ourselves like the teachers of the law. Do we doubt that we are forgiven, or do we deeply desire to be told to do something? Maybe both of these items for some of us. The amazing truth of Jesus Christ is that He meets us where we are. Do we need to take the easy way or do we deeply desire to be co-partners of the process?
Many of us who are Christian want to have all the answers. We all want to say Jesus wants us to do good works and be like Him. Others say, that we just believe and the Spirit will lead us. Others want to suffer, sacrifice and believe everyone else has to do so to be right with Jesus. I believe that all of those are true to those who believe that.
Jesus meets us where we are and He asks us what we want to see happen. Think about how amazing it is that we have a savior who is that personal. In a world where we are all funneled into other people's processes, every company that tells us what they want us to do, and we are lumped in with everyone else. Jesus gets personal with us.
When we find ourselves with Jesus. We can receive the truth which is, our sins are forgiven. Otherwise, get up and walk!
Thank You Lord for the forgiveness of our sins through Your Son Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow. Thank You that we are free today and help us never doubt it. In Jesus name, amen.