Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith June 24th, 2016 3,115 Views 0 Comments
Psalm 51:6-7-Surely you desire truth in the inner parts, you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
The Lord knows us so intimately that there truly is nothing we can hide from Him. He truly does desire truth in our inner parts. The secret places, the recesses of our hearts and minds carry that which we hold on to. The darkest of dark, the areas that we wish to keep covered. They are there and the Lord knows all about them. This is not to condemn. I believe we all have them including myself, and yet when we get to the place in our walk when we realize that nothing is hidden from the eyes of the Lord, then we can accept that which the Lord is teaching us through it. We have to be able to see the wisdom and instruction from the Lord as an amazing, exciting thing. Who am I that the maker of all things knows me that intimately? We do not have a God that is far off in a distant land hidden from view. He is inside us all through His Holy Spirit. He made every part of us and so He knows what we all have in the inmost parts.
Stripping ourselves of all pride, all secrecy with the Lord is an amazing place to be. When we trust the Lord with that much of our vulnerability, there is nothing that we could ever fear before man.
There is a desire for us all to become clean. When we submit and allow even the inmost parts of our being to be exposed to the Lord, then what David is saying is that even the external parts will then be cleaned by using hyssop. Hyssop is the same type of stalk used to cover the door frames of the houses to protect the Israelites against the destroyer on the first Passover. They dipped the Hyssop stalk in the sacrificed animal's blood and covered the doorframes. Hyssop stalk was also used to raise up a sponge of vinegar for Jesus to drink from. He took in all of the bitterness of that sponge just before He gave up His Spirit. You see, when we give up something that has no value in our lives, we gain something so much larger, deeper in meaning, and long lasting. We gain peace, protection, forgiveness, love, and the cleanliness that only salvation can deliver. Trust Jesus with all of you. Leave nothing out, and you will gain more than the perception of what you are giving up. Don't hold back anything from Him. He already knows everything, but He longs for you to trust Him with it all. The deeper you go, the larger the grace to cover you will be. Do not be afraid, but trust in the One who makes all things right.
Thank You Father for allowing us to come clean in every area of our lives. You could force us to do so, but You so kindly, and gently wait for us to give it to you. Thank You for making us over and giving us the strength to be vulnerable before You in all things. We trust You with it all today in Jesus name, amen.