Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith June 23rd, 2016 2,789 Views 0 Comments
2 Corinthians 5:17:Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
Why do we desire vacation so much? There are many reasons I am sure, but one of the largest reasons is that it removes us from the reality of our life in the world. For a week or a weekend, a year or two we get the opportunity to hit a beach, climb a mountain, or escape to the retreat of a life break. One thing that I have noticed on vacation is that everyone is nice to you. People go out of their way to make your time enjoyable. This is a time that even if you don't know the customs or language, or traditions of the host place, they give you a pass with a smile. They don't condemn, or look to shame you. They look for ways to meet your needs and to help provide the best experience ever.
When we become born again and become a new creation in Christ, we experience a permanent vacation! The old life is gone and the new is here.
I invite you to look at your rebirth or renewal with a fresh vision of that taking place. We have shed the old life and so when we fully step into the fullness of that rebirth and all it affords us, we will truly see a transformation into a state of peace, relaxation, and rest. When that takes place, regardless of our surroundings, we will always be on vacation from the worldly parts of our lives. I think back to years ago before I truly walked with the Lord and it was just miserable. I was constantly sighing, constantly in fear, anxiety, and unrest. I had so many wolves creeping at my door. I had fears over money, relationships, health, inadequacy, and an overall void that I tried to fill with alcohol, tobacco, and eating. I still have some of the same things now that I did then. I still have my family, the business, clients, employees, and relationships. The big difference is that I left behind the fear, anxiety, unrest, and constant sighing. Those things I left at the cross with Jesus. If you are still experiencing those things, I invite you to look at Jesus with a fresh view. Maybe it is time to renew your thoughts about that transformation. Ask Him to remind you of who He is in your life. Just say, " Jesus, I lay down all that is holding me back from Your best in my life. Remind me of who You are in my life today. I am missing something and need You more than anything right now."
If you say that out loud, Jesus will remind you of who you are in Him. You are a new creation, and part of becoming a new creation is to let go of the old. The new is here brothers and sisters and be excited, there is so much blessing coming to track you down. We are all clocking out of old and putting on socks and sandals and a Hawaiian shirt regardless of what it looks like!
Father, thank You for giving us a new life in Christ. Thank You that every day You remind us who we are as Your children. Thank You that we don't have to live as we did in the past but instead live with passion and on fire for You. We declare today that we are a new creation and we will live for Christ today leaving behind our past self and living in our new creation, the one You made for us. In Jesus name, amen.