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Posted by Jeffrey Smith June 21st, 2016 2,942 Views 0 Comments

Genesis 50:19-21: But Joseph said to them, Don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children. And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.

Joseph was betrayed. He was ridiculed, sold into slavery and left naked on an auction block. He was falsely accused and sent to prison. He was forgotten after he blessed another. This all happened as a result of his jealous brothers. They didn't understand his ability or the call on his life. They hated him because he was special. We see that they even go so far as to forge a letter from their Father Jacob (Israel) saying to forgive the brothers for what they had done to Joseph (Gen. 50:16-17). They were leveraging the one thing they had in common with Joseph and that is a mutual Father. The fact is, that is all they had in common. The more they did to Joseph the higher he rose in honor, power, and wisdom. He became exalted above everyone in the land and just below Pharaoh. 

Joseph had every right to punish his brothers and kick them out of the land. He could have held a grudge, but instead scripture says that when he heard what the brothers begged him for he wept. 

You see this is a picture of Jesus for us all today. 

Despite our betrayal of our Savior, despite our disobedience, our rebellion, or lack of integrity around Him, we are still shown grace. Even when we are afraid and know that we deserve punishment we know that Jesus already took it for us (Isaiah 53:5)! 

So we know that we are the brothers in this scenario. Regardless of how devoted or righteous we are before man, we still fall short when it comes to Jesus. He is perfect in every way and yet we do not have to make something up in our minds to try and save ourselves using the word of God like these brothers did. The grace is already there for us. 

Jesus is not going to punish us because it was He who took our punishment! He went through the hardship and rose in glory to provide all we need in this life and beyond. Through His humiliation, we have glory. Through His beating we have health. Through His piercing we are forgiven, and through His punishment we have life free of curses, poverty, and death. 

It is our faith and our praise that we can offer. We don't need excuses.  We don't need to beg.  We don't need to sacrifice ourselves. We just have to believe, receive, and thank Him for the life He traded for the life we have. If you are struggling in an area today, ask Jesus to change that situation. It has been bought and paid for. Let us all let go of the areas that we search our minds to try and figure out apart from Jesus. We all have them, and it won't  take long to identify. Trust in Jesus and go to Him and He will provide for us, reassure us, and always speak kindly to us.

Thank You Father for giving us mercy and grace that cover our sins and allow us into Your presence. Thank You Jesus for Your obedience that we look to today trusting You for the righteousness that is over us through your sacrifice. Thank You Lord that You guide us in all things today in Jesus name, amen. 

*Today I give praise to Jesus for providing the gift of sight. I give Him praise for the ability to see His wonderful creation and to enjoy the work of His hand in my life.

Please join me today and respond with what you are giving Jesus praise for*

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