Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith June 2nd, 2016 3,252 Views 0 Comments
Philippians 2:1-4
2 Corinthians 3:12-14
Humility or boldness which is better? Running on the road is a balance of beating down the flesh which says, you can’t do this, you should just give up, and concentrating on the power of Christ in us. I run on the road and I face oncoming traffic. As I am running, I feel this other conflict deep inside and one that says, "be humble and get out of the way of oncoming traffic." "Let your brother in the vehicle have the right away." I do not want to interfere with their day. On the other side of that is to stand my ground. My body is in this space and I will not be intimidated to move out of the way. I have the right to be in this space and I am bold and full of faith in the face of fear of oncoming traffic. Even if this guy hits me, I will be fine because I am protected by the blood of Jesus. I have faith that is unshakable in this moment. I do not move from my path and I feel stronger in my faith as I do it.
I pray while I am running and I ask the Lord which is better? He says yes. I said, what? What does that mean Lord? He said it is as you believe in faith.
Think about this. We have several points of vantage. We have a driver in a vehicle, a man trying to workout both in a close space together. One is huge and can do massive destruction to a human body, and the other is a late model pickup truck ( I couldn’t resist I'm sorry ).
Don't we all have this happen every day? We have people with different vantage points. We have people who are in the middle of a rant about an issue, and all I can do is roll my eyes and feel the judgment roll off of this person onto others all the while leaving themselves wide open for judgment. The very person or people they judge may have a completely different point of view, opposite of that view which if positioned correctly would seem much more acceptable and plausible than judgy judger-son who points out the fault. Every time I read a finger pointing post, or hear an anger filled discourse, I have to think that there is a different perspective from another party in all of this, right?
Jesus said, let the one without sin cast the first stone. They all left one by one.
Judgment, regardless of whether it burns inside us as righteousness is something that does not belong to us to wield around like a sword. We have no right to do it and yet we do, and if fills our flesh with the lust that is produces. We want more of it so we can be righteous in our own eyes and to others.
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 4:3- I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
So when we see these things or we desire to get our pound of flesh so to speak, let us be reminded that we should let the Lord decide and not worry about what we have to say about someone else. Do the best we can do, listen to the Lord, and for real, just move out of the way of oncoming traffic, it’s just stupid to tempt drivers like that...
Father, thank You for always helping us with our judgment of others. Help us to remove the log in our own eye before removing the splinter in our brother's. Help us walk humbly with You today in Jesus name, amen.