Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith May 24th, 2016 2,785 Views 0 Comments
Proverbs 19:17: He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.
Whenever we give to others there is an intersection of abundance and lack. None of us are rich in all things, but we are poor in some way in the face of someone like us who has more of that which we lack. When we give freely to others, this proverb says that we are lending to the Lord. That means that the Lord will pay us back with interest that which we gave.
Imagine someone who is on their death bed, and we give them comfort and time holding their hand. The Lord will pay us back in comfort and time. If we give to others a drink of water from our bottle, the Lord will give us a well to draw from. If we give money to someone who had trouble making ends meet this week, we can be sure that we will be paid back in abundance beyond possible comprehension. If we give food to those who are hungry, we will be well fed. It is always the case. You cannot out give the Lord. He is always there to provide for us, and what a blessing it is for us to share with others and be a part of the blessing that He is on all of us. He does not need us to give to others, yet He allows us to give to others. And when we do, He provides so much more than we could imagine. We do not want to give to others for the reward, but because we love. If we are not sure we love the ones we give to, we love Jesus, and He loves the one we will give to. Do not worry about what they will do with your gift. Just give. Love. and trust the Lord with all that He has given you.
Father, thank you for the blessings of being able to provide for someone else's lack today. It is Your abundance that You flow through us today out to others. You are the eternal spring of abundance and we thank You for all You provide to Your children. In Jesus name, amen.