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First and Last words

Posted by Jeffrey Smith May 18th, 2016 2,795 Views 0 Comments

Matthew 3:15- Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented.

Revelation 22:20- He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega (Rev. 1:8). It is important for us see these two scriptures and know that what has happened for us all from the beginning to the end. This is how our minds must also transform from that which takes place when we truly receive Jesus in our hearts and lives, into the hope of sharing that transformation with others.

What I mean specifically is that these scriptures represent the first and last words spoken by Jesus as documented in the bible. The first is important to us all because it shows the heart of Jesus. He takes us from where we once were under the law and traditions to death of self and resurrection into Him. The good news is that He does it for us first. He is not above doing it himself. John the baptist, just like Peter before getting his feet washed, expressed his complete reverence and utter worthlessness before Jesus. Jesus goes through with what MUST happen to fulfill everything  for us all to be righteous. I know this sounds confusing, but stay with me here. Jesus does not cut corners or assume anything. He takes it upon Himself to fulfill the customs, the traditions, and what had to happen from prophecy. He did it all to close the power of the law into a concentration of the striking blow of metal on metal thrust into His flesh and into the cross. It was this fulfillment that could not be any less then what had to happen to complete His mission. There can be no doubt about what He did in the very first words that He spoke, so that we will trust and believe without a shadow of the doubt His last words spoken to us. "Yes, I am coming soon. "

Is there any doubt in those words? No. Why is there no doubt in those words? Because of His first words, His every word that is backed up by His every action calculated to fulfill eternal righteousness before God the Father for you and for me. 

Yes, I am coming soon...Prepare your hearts brothers and sisters. Prepare your minds. He is worthy to be received in our lives, our hearts. He proves truth upon truth. 

So when you read the promises of Jesus, believe them! He came to give you life, and life abundant! (John 10:10) Anything less than that is from the enemy who comes to steal, kill, destroy (John 10:10). There is always a choice for us to see the truth behind what Jesus has done and is doing for us. We must rest in His finished work. When we rest in His finished work we know that we are righteous before God. 

When we realize that we are righteous before God, then we open the door to the scripture truth about what the righteous are entitled to through that gift. Proverbs 11:28 says: Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the RIGHTEOUS will thrive like a green leaf.

11:30 says: The fruit of the RIGHTEOUS is a tree of life. There are so many scripture truth's about righteousness. They are like treasure throughout the word of God. Search for them and be refreshed in them. The righteous receive more than any other in this life. Before Jesus came, you could only be righteous by your deeds and behavior. You would have to follow customs and traditions and sacrifice a lot of animals continually. You could never make mistakes or turn away. In fact, it was so rare, that most everyone who was ever righteous before Jesus fulfilled the law can be counted on the fingers of a couple human hands. Jesus played by the rules established under the law and the prophets, thus fulfilling the law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17) which is what He came to do. And since His work is completed we have this assurance that we are the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). Since these things all came about because when John the baptist said to Jesus that He should be baptizing him ( John) Jesus' response is, " Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Jesus did nothing less than it should be, and in doing so opened the door for us all to do the same. If Jesus said it, then it is so. Stop listening to anything less. You emphatically are righteous if you believe in Jesus. The more you see His truth, the more manifest truth will come to fruition in your life. Accept nothing less, Jesus never did. 

When we take ownership of the promises of Jesus and believe them with every fiber of our being, then we know that our testimony will be to let others know that Yes, Jesus is coming soon! Believe it.

Father, we thank You for the truth of Jesus Christ, and Him crucified for us all. We believe You, we believe that Jesus does what He says, and fulfilled all that is necessary to be righteous before You today. Father, open our hearts, our minds, and our hands to receive Your truth, love, and mercy. We trust You will our very lives, and know that You provide our testimony to others about Your Son, our Savior. Bless us with the words to say and boldness to share Your love with others today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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