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Today's promise

Posted by Jeffrey Smith May 3rd, 2016 2,758 Views 0 Comments

John 3:17- For God did not send his Son  into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

We often focus on John 3:16 which you can find everywhere and anywhere. Most people know the scripture John 3:16 and it has become so callous  that we let it wash over us. Think about it for a second. When you hear, God gave us his only Son, that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. As the words come out of someone's mouth, there is an automatic trigger in our minds. We have a representation of that and an acknowledgment of that scripture. Our minds say, oh yeah I know that one, its filed in my brain and I don't need you to continue on telling me the rest. I got this!

So when we hear that we rarely look at the scripture previous to that or after that, as John 3:16 is the paramount of our faith, and yet when we truly look at the next verse we can be overcome with fresh revelation of Jesus. 

Sometimes I hear Christians saying, I really feel convicted about that, or the Spirit convicted me about my language, or not doing enough for the poor. We have all heard that, and have probably said that a few times as well. 

The promise we have in this scripture is contrary to that thought process, and so we must see this with fresh eyes. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn us, but to save us. So when we hear condemning thoughts or feel condemned, we must remember this scripture and know that is it not Jesus who condemns us. Some will point out the scripture about the Spirit will convict the world. That is in John 16:8. But Jesus is referring to those who do not believe in Him. Not those who do. Notice that Jesus tells Nicodemus that those who do not believe are already condemned (John 3:18). So we have this promise that we are not condemned, or convicted, but the Spirit will prove our righteousness to us, and point out sin and judgment to those around us who do not believe.

The reason non-believers persecute followers of Jesus is because they are already condemned and are convicted of sin. They see the light in all of us who are followers, who are free, and liberated. 

When we walk in the confidence of this promise we no longer have to listen for conviction, but to the voice of righteousness. Be reminded of your righteousness in Jesus Christ today. Be reminded of your right standing before the Father. Don't listen to the lies the enemy wants you to hear, you are a believer and a believer is saved through Him.

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