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Dry Cleaner

Posted by Jeffrey Smith April 27th, 2016 2,644 Views 0 Comments

Psalm 51:2- cleanse me from my inequity, and purify me of all my sin

Ever been to a dry cleaner? It's hot, sometimes messy, and it just looks foreign to anything we normally see on a regular basis. The thing that annoys me is that when I bring home my clothes I have to take off all the things they put on there in order to wear them. I am reminded though, that the tags let everyone know who these clothes belong to. The tags identify the clothing as they go through the process of being dirty, wrinkled, and sometimes just wadded up into a ball lifeless, to cleaned, pressed and upright.

The act to going to the dry cleaner can seem daunting and often we think it can wait, but there is nothing quite like the fresh-ness and sharpness of newly laundered clothing.

When we go to the Lord, he tags us, and identifies us as His. He then takes us and cleanses us, renews us, and then puts us to the form of new as we should be. All we have to do is go to Him even in the form that we are in this minute. That can be wrinkled, dirty, and sometimes wadded up in a ball lifeless. He will make us new every day!

Remember that we are His, we have the tag that says Jesus Christ, and it is on His account that we are made new and paid for.

Father, remind us of who we are today in You. Father we come before You today, remove the doubt, and all that this world tries to do to take us out of form. Thank You for washing away all the wear and tear of this world so that we stay upright, sharp, and cleansed. We thank You for always keeping us and tagging us as Yours. In Jesus name. Amen.

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