Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith April 4th, 2016 2,763 Views 0 Comments
1 John 5:7-9: For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about His Son.
Fear is an opportunistic hunter. Fear is the only trick the enemy has to get you in agreement with him. You see, we have to continually be in agreement with one or the other. I am not talking about the inherent fear of getting hit by a bus because you didn't look both ways before crossing the street. I am talking about fear of something that has not happened yet. The enemy will offer suggestions to you and when you pause and dwell on that suggestion long enough, then the suggestions start to mount up in support of that initial lie. For example, if you have a muscle pain in your leg after you climbed a set of stairs, well, the suggestion from the enemy is that it is probably something much worse. Pretty soon, your mind can drift into a scenario where climbing stairs at all become the fear, and then you can't go any place that has stairs. They are all lies of the enemy.
The truth says that when we get into agreement with Jesus, that by His stripes we are healed (Isiah 53:5). Which one is it? Is it a debilitating disease that is only triggered when going up the stairs, or is it that we have been healed by the wounds of Jesus.
The enemy has a lot of evidence to support his argument. There are literally television commercials for hurt legs, back, and a whole business surrounding pain medication. There are thousands of reasons to believe that lie, because so many people have already agreed with the enemy on this, why not you? Well, because we have Jesus. Jesus' promise is that we are healed, not that we may have healing, or that we could has already happened. The trigger is to agree with Jesus on this. Just say, Thank You Jesus that by Your wounds I am healed. The years of believing a lie will start to unravel.
If you agree with something, you become bound to that agreement. With Jesus, when we get into agreement with Him He is bound to us, and when He is bound to us, He becomes our shepherd. He leads us and takes care of us. The enemy steals, kills, destroys, and the only way to break that contract with him, is to get a better agreement with Jesus. He will cover us all. The word says, that the will of the Father is that Jesus loses NONE of us. We have to look to Jesus and believe (John 6:39,40). So when we look to Jesus and believe we will not be lost. Further, Jesus tells us that He came to give us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). So when we get in agreement with Jesus, all the strongholds of the enemy are torn down. They have to go. If you still see symptoms of lack, or sickness in your life, do not give up on the promise of God. Continually believe, continue to know the truth of Jesus, and stay in agreement. Do not lose heart. That is the one job we have is to not lose heart even if we see something in our lives that looks bad, there is always a way with Jesus. Be in prayer, and be reminded of His word by reading it, find the promises of God because they are like treasure. They are all in the treasure chest that we all have access to, and that is the Bible. Open it, read it, and let the promises permeate every area of your person. Ask the Father for the Holy Spirit to lead you in understanding the words, He is gracious, and willing to give you a fresh revelation of how those promises and the acts of Jesus liberate us all from the enemy, from fear, sickness, lack, shame, and guilt. It is all from Him.