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Go! Trust Him

Posted by Jeffrey Smith February 24th, 2016 3,346 Views 0 Comments

Exodus 4:12: Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.

I tell people this all the time, but it is the truth. I have blessed more people on accident then on purpose. I could go out one day with the idea that I am going to pray healing prayers over everyone I see. I can get so pumped up and put bibles in my backpack, and some provisions for the homeless, as well as a mouthful of amazing scriptures on my mind, but not see a single soul on my path. When I am caught up in the daily grind, and focused on other things, that's  when situations arise that the Lord prompts me to speak. 

Have you ever had that happen? I feel so unprepared, so vulnerable, and at a point that I am not ready to do anything but run out of the situation. 

On one occasion, I was sitting in my office, and a guy came in and announced that he had a 2pm appointment. My assistant said, I'm sorry sir, but we don't have you on the calendar today. He insisted that he talked with someone on the phone. He was hobbling around on a crutch and you could tell it took a lot just to get into the door. He was looking for a fitting for a hurt foot from a prosthetic maker. The problem is, I am a retirement and insurance guy, not a maker of prosthetics. 

I offered to call the company he needed, and yet he repeated our address, and insisted this was where he was supposed to be. I was about to dismiss him and send him on his way and then I felt the overwhelming prompting of the Lord tell me that the man came to the office to be healed. So I looked at my business partner Scott and he heard the whole thing, and got up as well. We walked him outside the office towards his car. I was praying under my breath for the Lord to speak and take over the situation. I had no idea what to say or do, but I trusted the Lord to do everything. We went out and I opened my mouth and said, What happened to your foot? He explained that he had fallen off a ladder and broke a bunch of bones. He hadn't been able to walk in weeks. I said, I don't think it was a coincidence that you came here today, and do you mind if we pray over your foot and ankle? He said sure, I'm not sure it'll help, but why not? Scott and I reached down and put our hands on his ankle, and as Scott prayed under his breath, I started to pray in a way the Lord led. By the time we were done, the man said, is it supposed to tingle and be warm in there? He looked super surprised, and I asked him if he would put some weight on his foot. He agreed to try and he stepped down on it. He moved around, and by the time he left, he was nearly running to his car. Scott and I haven't decided whether it was from shock, sense of new found freedom, or just freaked out that two guys are praying over him, but regardless, he was healed. It was amazing, and we were all blessed by him coming in that day. We had no preparation, no idea, not one bit of set up time or anything. We just trusted in the Lord to teach us what to say and do. 

When we let the Lord lead our lives, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished in this life. When we give our full trust and stay open to Him, we will see the miraculous take shape in all forms. God is mighty to save, and He uses us all when we turn off ourselves, and allow Him to do the heavy lifting. The next time you feel unequipped, or unprepared, don't worry. And don't dismiss the situation before you let the Lord speak, and do what He wants to do through you. Be open to it and obedient to the Holy Spirit's prompting. You will never be sorry after You see the glory of The Lord in impossible situations. 

Prayer: Father, we thank You for teaching us and speaking through us to bring life. Father, we open ourselves up to You today. Allow us to hear You clearly when You call, and give us strength and awareness to witness Your power in all of our lives today. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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