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He hears us

Posted by Jeffrey Smith January 29th, 2016 2,967 Views 0 Comments

1 John 5:15- And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we has what we ask of him.
John 11:40-42- So they took away the stone, then Jesus looked up and said, Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.

We are all in Jesus as we believe and have received Him in our hearts. When we go before the Father in prayer, be can be assured that no prayer or words we speak to the Father fall short of His glorious ears. We know that everything in our hearts that flow through our mouths to Him are received. That is an amazing truth to allow to flow over you. Let that sink in. God the Father hears us!
We know that through Jesus our savior, we have access to the maker of heaven and earth! This intimacy is like no other, and I invite you to take part in it as often as you can. Have a conversation with Him. He is not too busy to listen and respond to you. That is what His heart desires for us all. He does not have the limitations that you and I have, this world has, and so we cannot look at it as the world does. The world revolves around a clock, responsibility of work, kids, fear, doubt, and sickness. Yet in that time we have with Him, all of the distractions of all of those thoughts fall away, even if for a brief moment we have peace when we are in conversation with Him and sitting in His presence.
Whatever provision you need in this life you have not because of who you are, but because of Jesus. Jesus' prayers are perfect, and His prayers are always answered. Look at the scripture we focus on today in John 11:40-42. Jesus goes into the cave where Lazarus had been decomposing for days. Lazarus was dead, and yet, by the time Jesus' words hit the ears of the Father, Lazerus had returned to his body fully alive and restored.
Our prayers are powerful, and when we focus our prayer knowing that they will go directly to the Father through Jesus then we can see whatever we need, whatever we desire will start to take shape. We don't have to beg or plead, we have the trust and truth on our side. Some people may say yes but what about when Jesus prayed in the garden on the night that He was betrayed? Well, we know that Jesus is the living word made flesh, and He came to fulfill the prophecies and law on our behalf. The good news is that we don't have to do that at all. We don't have to fear that our prayers aren't going to be heard or answered. Our lot in life is not to die at the cross. That is why we need Jesus in all things. When we call upon Jesus, we call upon the promises fulfilled. We just have to call upon them to manifest. Whatever situation you see in the natural, they can all be transformed by prayer. Jesus has already taken the worst of all things on our behalf. That was what He did so that we may have this access to the Father. As long as we have Jesus in our hearts and look to Him for all things then we have the attention of our Father. The power of our prayer is not what we ask for, but in whom fulfilled it on our behalf. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you (Matt. 7:7). No matter how big or small the request, rest assured that He hears you and will turn your situation from death to life through Jesus.

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