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The Father's Love in us

Posted by Jeffrey Smith December 22nd, 2015 3,026 Views 0 Comments

1 John 4:16-18: And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. the one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Having confidence on the day of judgment. That day is every day. We may face judgment every day of our lives when we come in contact with others with opposing views or feelings. People may say that this scripture is pointing out a day when we die, that if we don't love, than we may face judgment, but that is not the case. God loves us unconditionally, and so He points out in this scripture that we must have confidence in His love for us, and as we have confidence in His love for us, we are free to love others without fear. Fear, as the scripture points out has to do with punishment, so why would God tell us to love or else? He wouldn’t because that is in conflict with His perfect love which drives out fear. That would naturally lead us to fear His punishment for not loving others. No, the point is that because we are one hundred percent loved and accepted by our Father, we are free to love in the same way, unconditionally. That does not mean that we have to agree with everyone we come in contact with, and those two things are mutually exclusive. Opinion, and love are two different things.
You may like the Washington Redskins, and I like the Dallas Cowboys, and they by nature are opposing views, but that does not stop me from loving you despite those differences. Well, that may be an easy topic, but it works the same way in any situation. What about politics, and complexed issues that we face daily? Those are the same way. I can still love you despite our differences. I will not fear the loss of love, because I am already loved by God the Father! Is there anything else that we need? If someone makes the decision to not love you because of your opinion, does that mean that you have to change your opinion? Certainly not! You cannot be tied to how others feel about you to love them, but you may be judged by them for the way you see things. Have confidence that if God is in you, you have love in you regardless of what others say or do to you. You can love them without condition because you were first loved! Does that mean that you have to change your views, your football team, your hairstyle? Not unless the Lord leads you to do that. Do not have fear that you will not be loved, because that comes with God. In the same way, because you are loved, you too can love without condition. You are free to love others no matter what. You show the love of God by loving others regardless of what they say or do.
When we make a mistake one day, and feel like we are a saint the next day, we judge ourselves on our behavior. One day God loves us, the next, not so much? That is the trick of the enemy! God loves us every day, and when we put our own judgment on ourselves about our behavior, then we are saying that God can change His love for us. If we can judge ourselves and our behavior, then we must be able to judge others for their behavior. Then we can hold out our love for them based on the day. That is not the love of God at all! His love does not change, and He proved it by sending Jesus to die for us. He can do nothing beyond that to prove His love, but He did. He sent His Spirit to live in us, to direct us, and to remind us of the love of Jesus. The day of judgment is not defined here in this scripture as a day that we meet Him at a crossroads of heaven and hell. No, He is telling us that when judgment comes our way, on any given day, that we will have confidence in His love for us, so too we may be free in that love. Receive the gift of this love, and loving others regardless of how they act, or how you act will have no power over you, because judgment is rooted in fear, and fear has to do with punishment which was poured out on the back of Jesus Christ, our savior. That is true love, to absorb the punishment that we want to dole out on ourselves and others based on judgment. That day of judgment has passed for us brothers and sisters, and what is left is love, and God is love, and as His love is in us, we have confidence to love ourselves, others, and Him freely without fear, without conditions, and without judgment. Be liberated by His love, and if judgment comes your way, have confidence in that love. In Jesus name, Amen.

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