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Who are we listening to?

Posted by Jeffrey Smith November 11th, 2015 2,687 Views 0 Comments

2nd Timothy 1:7-For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Go boldly into anything you face. Experience often dictates our fears and our aversions to things that are valuable. You would think the greatest goals and achievements are guarded by an army of giants meant to keep you away from the finish line.
On a recent training ride on my bicycle, I was faced with a choice or two on where I would go, and how I would perform. I have ridden in this particular area literally thousands of times, and so I know the stretch of road really well. I went through my warm up and I was riding at a really good clip, around twenty or so miles per hour, I turned a corner and was faced with a choice. Should I turn around and ride shorter rolling hills, or climb the two biggest hills back to back. Those hills are guarded with doubt, fear, and anxiety. You see, every time I have taken on those hills, I have experienced some pain and discomfort (to say the least). The whole way up those hills I hear only shouts of discouragement. I hear the enemy hurling insults and deception in front of me.
This day as I was approaching the bottom of the hill, I paused and in the midst of the loudness of doubt, I heard, "I am with you," followed by 2nd Timothy 1:7 scripture. Admittedly, this is not climbing Everest, but in that second, I realized that every victory starts with a choice to hear the truth, and not a lie. I climbed that hill like a goat, and then the second one, repeating the scripture, For God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. The more difficult it got, the louder I declared it. And in no time, I drowned out the enemy. The greatest part of riding up hills on a bike is that you have the joy of a good rest on the backside of it. That is why I ride, to feel the joy of the wind in my face, and the presence of God holding me on the road at thirty plus miles per hour.
Whatever you face, know the choices are there, and it is not the loudest voice that we should listen for, but the right one. Listen for the truth as you face Monday morning traffic, a sickness, trouble in your marriage, or a financial hardship. Whatever it is, God is there, and He will get you over that hill. Don't listen to the lies that tell you that you're not good enough, strong enough, or whatever lie the enemy will tell you. You were made by the creator of the universe. He built you for power, love, and self-discipline. That same spirit that is in you, is connected to the source of all things good. Receive His strength, His love, and His ability. The choice was not whether or not to take that hill. It was who I was going to listen to. Praise Jesus, His love endures forever.

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