Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith September 25th, 2015 2,692 Views 0 Comments
Ecclesiastes 7: 29: This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes.
When we all were born we were innocent, free from any preconceived notion about the world. We were made from love and made to love. We all were made upright in the truth through God our Father and through the perfect love of Jesus Christ.
As we go through life, our environment, our influences, our experience in life, all shape and molds us into who we are today.
What we may lack in those experiences we often go in search of on our own. When we focus on the lack in our lives we will often pursue a way to attain a fullness in the area that we desire. Some of us become corrupt in the idea of how that should be obtained and so we can get off track and focused on our scheming.
I have seen in this country opposing political sides hurling pretty strong judgments against each other. I have seen one side of the equation declare, that they will forcibly take money from the billionaires who are greedy, while the other side calls out that the impoverished are lazy and unwilling to work. We have people who have different experience in life, yet all of us were born the same way. Innocent and loved if not by our parents, certainly our creator, our Father in heaven. We are all given what we need and if we lay down our schemes and our destructive desires of striving to get what we do not have then we can have a peace about who we are and not what we have.
I believe that when we measure our value based on material things, we will never measure up to the next person. Someone will most likely have more or less than you. Conversely, we are all the same in front of our Father and as we grow in our faith, and as we feel the revelation of Jesus in our lives, the more full we will be. We have all we need in Jesus, and it is that simple. We only have to go in search of Him in our lives. When we seek and search for Jesus, we will find Him, and have rest knowing that all the other things that we lack in our lives will become abundant. If you lack peace, Jesus will remove the stress. If you lack wealth, Jesus will provide for you. If you lack health, Jesus will heal you. If you lack self-control, Jesus will rescue you. If you lack holiness, Jesus will sanctify you. If you lack knowledge, Jesus will become wisdom for you. If you lack anything your heart desires, it can be found by searching Jesus. Do not search the world, the world will disappoint you and leave you wanting more. Search Jesus, and you will find all things that keep us upright and in the truth.