Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith August 26th, 2015 2,613 Views 0 Comments
John 15:15-17: I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his masters business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other.
If you have a close friend, you know a lot about that person. I have close friends, and I have associates, I have people I know of, and I have people who I have met a couple times. The one thing is constant, we all share information with each other. We share in the depth that our relationship allows. My closest friends know everything about me, my family, and my intimate details. They know what they know because I trust them, and they trust me. We talk about big ideas and funny ideas, but at the core, we know what each other is all about. We know where we stand on values, character traits, and even financial matters. We did not shake hands one day and then share our deepest desires 10 minutes later. We started out getting to know each other, spending time together, and doing things together. We all have different vocations, and we are all in different businesses. I know the business of each person that I am close with. I could talk on behalf of my closest friends to a prospective connection. I could be an advocate for that person wherever I am, and to whomever I meet. If someone brought up a subject, I would be looking for a reason to name drop my closest friends as an advocate for them as if they were right in the room. That is what friends do. They introduce other friends, they speak on their behalf, and they translate what that friend is all about. I spend time with people who are trustworthy, and with whom I am trusted. That is what Jesus is telling us here. He developed relationships with the disciples, and trusted them with what His business is all about. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we should make it a priority to know everything about Him, and His business so that we may advocate for a relationship with Him. We enjoy a relationship with Him so why shouldn’t we tell our other friends, or people we meet? We tell everyone about a great experience at the auto mechanic, or the plumber. We give stark reviews at the CPA firm and referrals to the best doctor we know. If we have a great experience with a business associate we want to share that with others. We want to tell everyone about our great experiences with others because we lovingly wish others to experience that same joy.
With Jesus, we should all have amazing stories. We should have experiences ready to share with all of the many hurting people. Those who have no savior, or have fallen on hard times. We who have survived hard times through the love of Jesus, have a story to share. We know the business of Jesus, and as we know the business of Jesus, we know the business of the Father. And if we know the business of the Father, we are His friend, not just any friend, but best friends. I get so excited about the idea of sharing a story or two with anyone who will listen to how Jesus is the truth. He makes us over and He took us from death to life. We tell people about whom to meet when their HVAC system fails in the middle of summer. Imagine the story we could share with those who have nothing to cling to in the middle of crisis. Love each other, love each other enough to share the beauty of our Friend, our healer, our savior. Share your experience with others about the greatest love story that not only happened, but is still going on day in and day out. Jesus tells us right here, that if we do that one command, that whatever we ask for in His name, anything we ask will be given.
Anything. Imagine if you could ask the Father to heal your friend of cancer, or to cancel debt? It is done. It is given. Imagine if you asked for a restored relationship with a spouse, or a fishing boat, and the Father says, oh sure, no problem, done. That is what Jesus is saying. I have proof. I will share with you about my friend Jesus. One day I asked the Father to heal my Dad as he lay dying in a hospital. Within 4 hours, my Dad was stable, and within 2 months, my Dad walked through the threshold of his home. From Death to life. One time Jesus showed up when I called on him for a perfect stranger. He was hobbling around in a boot, with a broken foot. I asked the Father ( along with my brother ) to heal the man’s foot, and HE DID! Right then and there, the man started putting pressure on his foot, and jogged to his car! Jesus is the truth, and when He says ask anything, He means anything in His name.
Trust your friend Jesus, know the business He is in, and that is building relationships with new friends.