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All good things

Posted by Jeffrey Smith August 19th, 2015 2,729 Views 0 Comments

Psalm 136: 1: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.

I have heard this throughout my life, Jeff, all good things must come to an end. That is what people tell you when you go through a tough time. When you’re playing competitive sports days are through, when a great relationship fails, even when someone close to you leaves. I have heard that many times before. What damage that statement can bring upon the hopeless. This is just a rationalization for us to cope with lives filled with change, sometimes unbearable, uncomfortable change.

We are faced with difficult decisions in life. We have to take into consideration many different parts of an equation before we take action. Sometimes we have to go through many painful wrestling matches with ourselves to discover the need to let something go and move on. When we are faced with giant sized decisions, we must remember that God is forever. That will never end. God is good, and that good thing will never end, ever.

I believe that when we put our trust in the maker of all things we can trust that no matter what we face on a minute by minute basis, that one thing is for sure, His love endures forever! This Psalm is very powerful in any fight against hopelessness. We must be filled with the hope and knowledge that God is good, and His love endures forever. The phrase, “His love endures forever” is in this Psalm 26 times. There are 26 reasons to prove to you and I that the truth is, not all good things come to an end.

Give thanks to God, and know that no matter what the enemy throws our way, that He will see us through all of it, Psalm 136:12: with a mighty hand and outstretched arm, His love endures forever!

Through Jesus Christ, we have eternal salvation. We have the final sacrifice in Jesus Christ, and that is a forever promise. God wants the one good thing to endure forever, and that is His creation, His love, His children, and His beautiful you.

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