Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith August 18th, 2015 2,756 Views 0 Comments
Psalm 142:5-7: I cry to you, O Lord; I say, You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living. Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me. Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of you goodness to me.
David cried out to the Lord when he was in a cave hiding from Saul. If you find yourself feeling trapped, stuck in a dark place in your mind, or in a physical place, you should consider yourself in good company. David, Joseph, Jesus, and Paul were just some of God’s precious who were held against their will or trapped in a prison cell. The one thing they all have in common is they came to a place of trusting the Lord. They all spoke to the Lord, knowing that He would deliver them from their situation. For David, he was well liked and he could have killed Saul ending the whole thing. But instead he cried out to Him and waited on Him to clear a way. Joseph opened his mouth and the Lord gave him the words to say. He became the second most powerful man on the earth in his time. Jesus could have called twelve legions of angels (Matt. 26:53) to get Him out of being arrested and subsequently beaten, and put to death. Paul could have fought, jumping up and down, and causing all kinds of trouble, but he didn’t.
They all trusted in the Father to deliver them. They all rested in the truth of what they were called to do.
I was once in a jail cell in my mind. I was trapped in panic and anxiety. I was so caught up in fear, that I could not leave the town that I live in for three years. I could drive from my home to my office, but panic and anxiety was so severe that it restricted my ability to function. I fought and fought, hiding my fear thinking that I could do it on my own. It was only after I cried out to the Lord in total submission and trust that I saw Jesus, and Jesus set me free from the chains that bound me. I praise Jesus my redeemer for liberating me from that dark cave. I can call it a cave because there was an opening, but when I went out of the cave, I opened myself up to the arrows of the enemy, just like David.
If you have a situation where you feel trapped, you are not alone. You are not helpless, you have your Father in heaven who will set you free. Your action in this is to trust, submit to Him by handing over your situation, and rest in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He will sort it out for you. Praise Him for all He does to set us free and redeem us all.