Blog Post
Posted by David and Dianna Wyles April 1st, 2016 4,024 Views 0 Comments
Our Beloved Pastor’s devotion entitled “Thunderstorms" inspired me to write about trust and patience. Patience is a hard one, but a lesson I'm in the middle of now, as I try to patiently wait on the Lord’s timing and open doors of opportunity.
We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Hebrews 6:12 (NIV)
When I started this leap of faith back in Oct. last year I was sure God was leading me from a hostile environment into his peace and a better more positive atmosphere... fast forward 5 + months and I still believe that even though I have not yet been blessed with that perfect open door of employment. What I have been blessed with is so much more... I have been provided for this whole time even if it's been a challenge, the Lord is providing; I have had time to heal some from the emotional turmoil of staying far too long in a negative space; I have had time to draw closer still to our Father in heaven; I’ve grown closer to many people from all over the world through this ministry; I have had opportunity to pray for the needs of others and have those people and others pray for me; I have felt God’s love in action through kind-hearted, thoughtful members here showing me acts of random kindness when I really needed to feel God’s love; I have felt more at peace than… well most of my life save a handful or two of memorable awesome moments; I’ve had the opportunity to take online classes to refresh and educate myself in a variety of interesting subjects; I have had time to develop and practice regularly, my passions of photography and writing… I know it sounds a little unreal but it has all felt like a “GOD THING” and I know I’m learning the lessons I need to move forward into HIS purpose and intent for me. I have felt God guiding and holding me through some really rough storms now for a very long time and has lead me to better inner peace (still working on that one too) but it's better; I understand I'm not alone even when it feels like it... that's huge for me; I am learning to let go of all I cannot control and trust God completely with his perfect plan for me, my family, and all whom He loves.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
The thing is… He LOVES us all. God has great plans and blessings for each and every one of us. God wants us to seek out his purpose for our lives. WE were not made to live in the misery of Satan’s lies and deception of despair or feels of not enough. That would be Satan> the great deceiver’s tricks to distract and destroy our hope, joy, and faith in who we are and who God is. We are the children of the most high and as such we need to remember that Satan is the enemy and only here to bring us down while our Father has and always will have our best interest at heart so we need to put our faith and trust in God no matter what the great deceiver would have us believing… I could choose to believe “It’s been over 5 months and still no job> God must not love me or want to bless me” Instead I CHOOSE to believe in God’s truths and promises, I CHOOSE to search for the blessings in every storm now because I know they are there! I have seen with my own eyes the blessings through many storms now and they cannot be denied.
I used to live in such despair… now I know God has a Grand Design for all who call on him. Those who put their faith and trust in the sacrifice of Christ, believing in him whole hearted will not be disappointed. I may still struggle in life, we all struggle… but those past trials have strengthened me and my faith in overcoming obstacles sent to distract and detour me from keeping my eyes on the prize…. EVERLASTING LIFE in our Father’s Grace and Love.
Biblical References; Holy Bible - New International Version
Thunderstorm Devotion; Pastor Dion Todd
Photography by; Dianna Wyles