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Arguing with a Donkey

Posted by Dion Todd March 29th, 2024 2,878 Views 0 Comments

Yahweh opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, "What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?" Balaam said to the donkey, "Because you have mocked me, I wish there were a sword in my hand, for now I would have killed you." The donkey said to Balaam, "Am I not your donkey, on which you have ridden all your life long until today? Was I ever in the habit of doing so to you?" He said, "No." Numbers 22:28'30 WEB.

Balaam was riding his donkey down the road one day when it suddenly sat down under him and refused to get back up. The prophet Balaam became angry and beat the donkey with his staff. Then the donkey started speaking to him. Soon after their disagreement began, Balaam found himself arguing with an ass. He seemed to overlook that it was a very articulate, intelligent donkey. In fact, it was trying to save his life.

We have all had people in our lives who have suddenly become very annoying for an unknown reason. The Lord sometimes uses the strangest people or even animals to speak to us. These tend to get under your skin and reveal the real you that is hidden inside. Yet, it always comes out with a little coaxing or prodding.

Don't start arguing with an ass today, or let them incite you. God may be using this to show you what is really inside of you. It's always something in you that causes you to become upset, not external forces. You have a trigger, and they have simply found the switch. When you resist the temptation to flare up, it will become easier. Like sandpaper, the ass is there to help polish you up and knock off those rough edges.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me deal with the things in my life. Cleanse me from the bad attitudes, and help me control my emotions. Make me stable and secure in who I am in You. Help me see the big picture and to know that this tiny incident is nothing to be upset about. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: The FAAD group members (Fight Against Anxiety & Depression) today is"Feel Good Friday!". This event is about lifting up each other up! We all have times when we are weak, but together, we can get through it! We invite you to share anything that may have prompted a good feeling in your heart today. Even if you're having a bad day, perhaps look to encouraging scriptures, prayers or thoughts, and testimonies of God's work. Whether you are suffering from anxiety or depression or just want to help, all are welcome to join!: FAAD Group:

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