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Power Filled Presence

Posted by Dion Todd July 27th, 2023 3,654 Views 0 Comments

Moses said to Yahweh, "Behold, you tell me, 'Bring up this people:' and you haven't let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, 'I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.' Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you, so that I may find favor in your sight: and consider that this nation is your people." He said, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." He said to him, "If your presence doesn't go with me, don't carry us up from here." Exodus 33:12'15 WEB.

When the Lord first began sending me computer networks to maintain, I had no clue what I was doing. There was no Internet to research issues with then, at least as we know it today. Everything was done with a command prompt. There was no one in my area that even worked on computer networks. So I was on my own, except for His presence. Yet, time after time, day after day, I would pray all the way to the job site, fix it almost magically, and leave with them thinking that I was brilliant. It was entirely the Lord's presence. You can do anything He calls you to do if you don't let fear hold you back.

Moses didn't want to leave without God's presence going with him. For when God was with him, Moses was all-powerful. Without Him, Moses was nothing but a simple shepherd. Gideon successfully led an army of three hundred men against a giant army (Judges 7:12) because the Lord was with him. David killed the giant Goliath while the rest of the soldiers cowered in fear (1 Samuel 17:49). For young David was willing, and that was all God needed. He doesn't need your abilities. He only needs a willing heart. God will equip the one who has the heart to step out with the necessary skills.

Some will quote, "He will never leave nor forsake you." While that is true, it isn't the type of presence I am talking about. You can enter into the presence of God in a special way through prayer and ask for His help. Even Jesus had special times when the power of God was present to heal (Luke 5:17). Though His life was planned out long ago (Isaiah 52:13), Jesus sometimes spent all night in prayer to bring God's will to pass (Luke 6:12). Our prayer matters. Don't assume that it will just happen without you praying. I love when it does, but your sincere prayer is a major part of your breakthrough.

Don't struggle, and try to make it happen on your own. Invite the Lord's presence into your problems, and watch them dissolve. Just be honest with Him: "Lord, I can't do this without you! Please come with me, and give me the grace to do this, in the name of Jesus Christ." When His Presence is there, you can do anything He calls you to do.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I need You today. Please come and cover with me with Your presence. I need Your help, Lord. Teach me what I need to know. Help me see the big picture and fill my life with Your Holy Spirit, for I can't do this without You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: Ladies, today is Thankful Thursday at the "Ladies in Distress" group (our RHM women's group)! You are welcome to join in our weekly sharing of thankfulness for the Lord's presence and any blessings you may have experienced, big or small! "Ladies in Distress" is a private group, so if you have any problems joining, just post anywhere and we will help you :). Here is the link: Ladies in Distress

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