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Fly Like an Eagle

Posted by Dion Todd March 18th, 2023 3,697 Views 0 Comments

As an eagle that stirs up her nest, that flutters over her young, he spread abroad his wings, he took them, he bore them on his feathers. Deuteronomy 32:11 WEB.

When eagles have their young, they line the inside of the nest with feathers, fur, and other soft materials. The parents try to make the little ones comfortable in the nest. They hunt and bring food to feed them. They pamper the little ones at the start and care for their every need.

Later, as the little ones grow and mature enough to fly, the parents start pulling the fur out of the nest. They expose the sticks and begin making them uncomfortable. They may still bring food, but they will place it on a limb outside of the nest, so the little eaglets have to come out of the nest to get it. They put the food farther and farther away from the nest. The delays between eating become longer each day. Eventually, the young eagles will take flight and leave the nest to find food on their own.

We went through a season where our computer business dried completely up. No amount of advertising, giving, praying, or fasting would change it. When we advertised, it was like throwing money in the trash. When we gave, we just had less. When we prayed, we got cold silence. When we fasted, we were only hungry. We held on as long as we could, paying our bills with credit cards. Several months passed by with no income.

Finally, we had to give up on the business and begin looking for other work so we could eat, but there was none to be found. All the doors in that field were closed to us. So we expanded our search, but I couldn't find any work doing anything. Finally, the week we were packing to move out of our house, a job suddenly appeared for a creative arts pastor. And I found myself in ministry and began writing this devotional. The Lord wanted us to do something new, so He made us uncomfortable. I would have never been here if He had not brought pressure on us, as I was comfortable working on computers. The end result was great, but the transition was rough.

When the Lord wants to bring change, He may make your situation uncomfortable. No matter where you turn, no matter how hard you pray, the sticks are still there, and you are starving. When this happens, it's time to fly. Everything that you see is temporary (2 Corinthians 4:18). Jobs end, and new opportunities begin. There is a season for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1), and an important thing to know is that seasons do change. So don't be afraid to let go. He will catch you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please guide me today and give me a clear direction. I want to follow You, but sometimes I don't know what to focus on. Give me clarity and speak to me in a way that I understand. Help me align my will with Yours. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight :)! Also, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network

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