Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd May 10th, 2020 6,691 Views 0 Comments
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6 ESV
Laying in bed and unable to sleep, another night passed by. So concerned about the next day, that I could not seem to end the current one. Yet when the following day arrived, everything took care of itself. Day after day, year after year, decade after decade, the pattern continues. Worry is for nothing, anxiety accomplishes nothing, and when the problem arrives, so does God's provision.
Stop striving to make something happen too soon, or in your own strength. When the time comes, it will be unstoppable and so easy that you will say, 'How can it be?'. I have worked at things so hard in my life that I became frustrated and gave up, then watched it come to pass without having to lifting a finger to help. Even my 'giving up' did not stop God's promises from coming to pass in my life. It is He who is faithful, not me.
Relax, stop striving, stop worrying and being so anxious about the future. Submit yourself to God, put Him first, delight in the Lord and all of these things will take care of themselves in the proper time. He cares for you and He gave you the dream that you carry inside. Relax, take it one step at a time. Love Him and let Him bring it to pass.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I wait on You. I know that you have not forgotten me and I trust that You will take care of me, in the name of Jesus I pray.
Note: Happy Sunday, and happy Mother's Day :)! While many of us may not be able to observe the day in the typical ways, we can still celebrate and honor the mothers in our lives, whether biological or spiritual. Sending prayers of peace and comfort too, for those who have lost their mothers <3. Also, for those who would like to join us, today we will be hosting our RHM Live Online church service. This is a special time of worship, prayer, fellowship and an inspiring message. All are welcome! Here is the link to join: RHM Live
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