Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd January 25th, 2020 6,435 Views 0 Comments
If He comes suddenly, do not let Him find you sleeping. Mark 13:36 NIV
There was a time in our life when our business started failing and our income got less, and less, and then stopped. As the bills started piling up, we tried everything, but nothing seemed to help. We gave more, prayed more, fasted more, served more, tried to find any job possible and then as the last straw, we prepared to move out of our home.
After months of this, I no longer had the energy or will power to pray anymore. One morning during the week that we were preparing to move, I went into my prayer room and just sat there, mostly contemplating how much I would miss it. The Lord spoke to me that morning, and within twenty-four hours our life had completely changed for the better. That is how I became a pastor.
God closed the old out and brought in something new. It hurt to see the old go, but the new was so much better. God moves suddenly at what we often think is the very last minute. It is not to Him. He knew the day that the transition would take place and He was right on time. Our fear and worry were for nothing.
God knows where you are and He has the day marked on His calendar when your circumstance will suddenly change. Don't give up yet. We don't know the day or the hour, but the Father does and He will not be late, nor early. The change will come suddenly.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that you meet my needs and move in my life. Draw me into a deeper relationship with You and give me a fresh zeal today, in the name of Jesus.
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