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Grace Like Rain

Posted by Dion Todd April 28th, 2019 7,217 Views 0 Comments

For even as we have many members in one body, and all the members don't have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another, having gifts differing according to the grace that was given to us: if prophecy, let's prophesy according to the proportion of our faith; or service, let's give ourselves to service; or he who teaches, to his teaching; or he who exhorts, to his exhorting; he who gives, let him do it with generosity Romans 12:4 WEB

As we drove to the client's office, I was dreading what lay ahead. I just felt that the job that we were setting out to do was going to take all day because it involved a network of mix and match machines that I knew to be temperamental. They tended to work when they wanted. Computers can be funny like that. You can even have several identical machines, but each one will behave slightly different. This particular network had a mix of Novell, Dos, and Windows machines. They got along like a bag of cats.

Normally the job would have taken all day, but not this day. Within thirty minutes, I had fixed the computers and we were on the way home. The mountain of work had all seemed very easy, almost too easy'almost like they fixed themselves.

The grace of God was with us. Grace is the unmerited (unearned, undeserved) favor of God. Grace works like oil in an engine, it makes things go smoothly without friction. When the Lord told Paul: 'My grace is sufficient for thee (2 Corinthians 12:9)', He was not kidding. It truly is. If you have ever had something fast-tracked in your life, this was probably the grace of God. His unearned favor working in your life.

One Sunday night, the Lord spoke to me through the pastor's wife and told me that He wanted me to get my GED. The next Sunday when I came to church, I had it. What took my brother one year, took me one week. It was the grace of God, when you can do no wrong, when you mysteriously know all of the answers, to all of the questions. When there is a parking space waiting for you in front of the door.

When you have to face that thing that you dread, stop and pray for the Lord to come with you. Ask Him and He will give you the grace to do it. He delights when you invite Him to be a part of your life. That thing of dread can turn out to be fun, simple and easy.

Prayer: Heavenly Father please give me abundant grace to tackle the things that I have been putting off. Help me complete the things that I have dreaded doing and make it fun, simple, and easy. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Our weekly RHM Live church service will be happening this morning at 10am EST. Join us for a time of worship, interactive prayer, and fellowship, and to hear what has been happening recently in our lives. To participate in the chatroom you need to have a site account, but if not, you can still watch the video of the study. Service starts at 10am EST, but all are encouraged to show up 15 minutes early for fellowship, and to make sure the stream is working for you before we start. Love you all! Here is the link to join: RHM Live

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