Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd June 4th, 2018 7,259 Views 0 Comments
David said to Saul, Your servant was keeping his father's sheep; and when there came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out after him, and struck him, and delivered it out of his mouth; and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and struck him, and killed him. 1 Samuel 17:34 WEB
As a shepherd caring for the sheep, David knew each one of them. He was there when they were born, he knew their parents, he knew why they were different. He had seen this one get picked on at the water trough, and now was frightened to be around others. This other one had a black spot that set her apart from the rest. He saw the squabbles between them and who hung around with whom. Each lamb was unique and special in its own way.
When a lion or bear took one of the sheep from his father's flock, David chased it down and killed it. He rescued the lamb and brought it back. That is what shepherds are supposed to do. They go after the lost sheep and the ones that went astray for whatever reason. They try their best to protect them and keep them safe.
We work for the Father, and His number one concern is the flock, and in particular the ones that are missing when night falls. I could quote a lot of scripture, but really Jesus said it all in Matthew 18:12 and Luke 15:4 where a man with one hundred sheep left the ninety-nine to go after the one that was lost.
If you are in any kind of leadership, meditate on Ezekiel 34. As shepherds we are to rescue the ones that are dragged away by the enemy, and not feed on them. If you are lost, have gone astray, or do not know Him yet, God is seeking you and calling your name. He knows your parents, your life, who you hang out with, and He knows and understands why you act the way that you do, because He was there the whole time.
God knows your black spots and they are ok. You are created unique and He knows everything about you, including how many hairs are on your head. Your weaknesses will not make Him love you less. Don't let what you cannot seem to control drive you away from Your relationship with Him.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that You draw my heart to You. Use me to reach someone and bring them to You. Give me an encouraging word to speak and I will say it. Cause Your thoughts to flow through my mind. Increase the boldness in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Note: Good morning! The latest Bible Study covering chapter eleven of Acts is now available! You can join in at any time, because all of the chapters are saved on this page: RHM Bible Study
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