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Facing The Giants

Posted by Dion Todd April 4th, 2018 9,295 Views 0 Comments

O LORD, in your strength the king rejoices, and in Your salvation how greatly he exults! You have given him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips. Psalms 21:1 ESV

I was scared when the call came because I had grown up on a farm and had no formal education in computers, but I knew the Lord wanted me to go help them. Later when I walked out of the accountant's office, I was amazed at what had just happened. I had repaired their corrupted client database with years of tax returns in a few moments, and did not have a clue as to how.

Computers were a hobby of mine. The accountant firm had gotten my number from someone and called me out of desperation. At the time, there were not many people in our area to call. Computers were still rare in those days and everything was done from a command prompt. It was before Windows and what we call the Internet.

I prayed all the way there and had it fixed in a few minutes. They thought I was a genius. This became common. Before long I was making five to seven calls a day just like that. Sometimes when I simply touched the keyboard, it would be fixed. It was simply a lot of prayer. I prayed everywhere I went. God opened the doors, and I went, praying all the way. For the next seventeen years, we worked together. We still do.

When God opens the door, step through it. Do not let your fear, education, or anything else hold you back from what He has. Goliath backed down the entire Israeli army, until one teenager stepped out and killed him. When He gives you a job to do, He will give you the ability to do it as well. God will go with you. You can face this giant.

Prayer: Father guide me this day and come with me wherever I go. Push me forward into the deeper plans that you have for my life and anoint me for the work that you give me to do, in the name of Jesus.

Note: Good morning! For those who may have gotten behind on our weekly Bible Study, you can catch up at any time. Here is the link to the chapters in order: RHM Bible Study

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