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The Break Room

Posted by Dion Todd February 18th, 2018 7,820 Views 0 Comments

Whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. Luke 9:26 NIV

The break room fell silent as I walked in to get some water. Though I was new there, I had learned that the normal topics were hangovers, sexual exploits, or who had the best drugs. The normal stream of profanity ceased when I entered the room.

It had all started when I said a blessing over my lunch. They seemed unsure about what to make of that. Sometimes they taunted me and I would quote scripture back to them, like 'Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.'

I was certainly not trying to force my religion on them. Sadly at the time, I did not care if the whole crowd went to hell. I was in survival mode and it was an 'every man for himself' point in my life. They would have to get to heaven as best they could. I was just trying to make it in myself, but I would not hide knowing Jesus. I may have been going through hell, but I was hanging on to God while doing it.

In time, several of the people there came to the Lord and started coming to church with me. How do you boldly stand for Jesus? Picture Him there with you. You can stand with Him, or be ashamed of Him, but He is there either way.

Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, but there is another way: tell them that you do. Don't chase people with a Bible who are not ready, but when they corner you don't be ashamed to say: Yes, I know Him, what about you? You are one heartbeat from meeting Him. Think about it.

Prayer: Father, I pray that you give me a boldness to take a stand for You when confronted. Fill me with Your strength and give me anointed words to speak, in the name of Jesus.

Note: Happy Sunday! Don't forget that our RHM Live weekend service is happening today at 10am EST! We will be continuing our online Bible Study with Luke, Chapter Twenty-Three. To find out more or join us this morning, go to this page: RHM Live

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