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The Twilight Zone

Posted by Dion Todd November 11th, 2017 8,236 Views 0 Comments

When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, and didn't know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?' She, supposing him to be the gardener, said to him, 'Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.' Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' John 20:14 WEB

Mary and the disciples of Jesus thought that He would be made king and boot the Roman occupiers out of Israel. Instead He was beaten, crucified, and entombed. As she stood at the tomb, grief stricken and heartbroken, Jesus stood right in front of her and she did not recognize Him.

When my Dad passed away, it was like life was suspended for a time, detached, unreal, and just wrong. Everything seemed surreal and I hoped to wake up soon. But as days turned into weeks, months, and years, life without him gradually became the new normal. It was not easy and I still miss him, but our life goes on and we must adapt to the changes.

When traumatizing things occur in life like suddenly losing a loved one, we seem to step into the twilight zone for a bit. It is our way of not yet accepting the reality that we cannot face. We all have to face times like this in our life, and if you live long enough, you will see all of your friends pass on before you.

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. If you want a sobering look at life, take a walk through a cemetery and look at the dates. Even though this cycle of life is nothing new, we are rarely prepared for it.

The Holy Spirit is right there with us to bring comfort during these trying times, though we may not recognize Him, just as Mary did not recognize Jesus standing right in front of her. He is 'The Comforter.' God gives us space during these times of grief and He does not hold our anger or outbursts against us, because He understands what we are going through. He lost a loved One as well, and He knows how that feels.

Prayer: Heavenly Father please send me the Comforter today for I need a touch from You. Fill me up God where I will not be so empty and dry my tears. Bring sunshine back into my life Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Good morning! Just a reminder that our RHM Live Saturday service is happening tonight at 4pm EST! Because of some dental issues, we will not be offering the Bible Study this week, but instead will have a time of worship and fellowship. Lord willing, the Bible Study will continue next week! To find out more or join us this afternoon, go to this page: RHM Live

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