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Distant Memories

Posted by Dion Todd November 5th, 2017 8,412 Views 0 Comments

The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does God's will remains forever. 1 John 2:17 WEB

Standing in the parking lot, I felt like a fish out of water. Panic, fear, abandonment, hatred, and a few other strong emotions rolled over me as I watched her car drive away. It was my first day of school and I was dumped off in the parking lot at Kingston Elementary. Six years old, completely lost, knowing no one, and starting in the first grade. I had lived my whole life up to that point barefoot on a farm.

This particular stepmother had kept me out of kindergarten the year before because it was too much trouble. They would probably have kept me out of school altogether if not for the truant officer, but that morning she drove me to school, pushed me out of the car, and drove away.

Eventually a teacher found me wandering around and helped me get to the right class. Each day became easier and soon I enjoyed school. Now that first day is only a distant memory and something bad, turned out to be something good.

There are many things in my past that were traumatic or seemed like the end of the world while they were happening, but now they are only a memory. All of the troubles and trials that we go through in this life are temporary and they will pass.

Be encouraged today because even if the world passes away, to those with eternal life, it will just be a memory. None of it is the end for us, not even death. We will spend eternity with the Lord Jesus, making more memories. So keep a positive attitude and trust God to work it out for the best. Don't let a fearful situation get the best of you, for this too will soon pass.

Prayer: Heavenly Father my eyes are on You. Walk with me today and let me know that You are there. Send me the Comforter like You promised for I need You more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Happy Sunday! For those in regions who observe Daylight Savings time, don''''t forget that today is the day to "fall back" :). ALSO, for those interested in music, whether playing, writing, or just listening, our wonderful RHM family member, Perry, has agreed to help Pastor Dion by taking over leadership of "Make a Joyful Noise" group! Perry is a longtime musician who helps us with our music during the RHM Live services, and we are grateful for his help with this group, too! If you would like to check out this group and to enjoy or learn more about music, here is the link to join: Make a Joyful Noise group:

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