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Not on My Watch

Posted by Dion Todd July 21st, 2017 9,567 Views 0 Comments

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:13 ESV

It was a cold, dreary morning at work. I was miserable, cold, and hungry from fasting, and was an outsider in the middle of this crowd. As we all toiled at our machines, death metal blared over huge speakers. People cursed, did drugs openly, and bragged about the affairs they had the night before. Everyone seemed angry. The manager came to work hung over. It was a dark, damp, hole in the wall'and it was right where God had placed me.

This morning was different though. I had been fasting and praying for the last week, and I had had enough of this depressing environment. Something in me snapped and I heard myself say out loud: 'I claim this place in the name of Jesus Christ and declare it Holy ground.'

I was surprised myself and wondered where that came from. In less than an hour the guy with the death metal packed up his radio and quit. Soon after this, they fired the manager and made me manager in his place. Everyone that stayed there gave their heart to Jesus, attended church together, and prayed for each other. When I went to church, I filled my entire row with visitors. The Bible played over the intercom all day and scriptures were taped everywhere. It was now a Christian environment.

I cannot really explain this, but I lived it. If you do this, your purpose has to be to forward the kingdom of God and save souls, and not to blab it and grab it to squander it on yourself. There is a time to take a stand and say: 'That's not happening. Not on my watch!'.

Prayer: Father, guide me and teach me when to make a stand. Cause me to carry your fire and anointing into the places that I go. Lord, when they meet me, may they meet You, in the name of Jesus.

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