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Wet Fleeces

Posted by Dion Todd November 15th, 2016 10,044 Views 0 Comments

Gideon said to God, If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have spoken, behold, I will put a fleece of wool on the threshing floor; if there be dew on the fleece only, and it be dry on all the ground, then shall I know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have spoken. It was so; for he rose up early on the next day, and pressed the fleece together, and wrung the dew out of the fleece, a bowl full of water. Judges 6:36 WEB

Gideon was now scared and confused. He thought that he had heard from God, so he tore down the altar of baal, and built an altar to God over it during the night. Now the townspeople were mad at him. He had wanted to be obedient, but now things were growing worse and an enemy army was gathering. He became doubtful and scared as he began to see the storm clouds coming.

When the Lord spoke to Gideon, you can bet one of the next things that ran through his mind was: "I must be making that up.' Gideon had many questions as to whether that was God actually communicating with him. Even after the first fleece test was successful, he wanted a second test to confirm that one.

When you hear from the Lord, it is normal for the next thought to be like Gideon's, one of doubt. When the word is sown, the enemy comes immediately to snatch it away (Matthew 13:19). Gideon asked the Lord for a confirmation and he used a fleece.

In my own life, this seemed to work at first when I truly did not know if it was the Lord speaking to me, but after I came to know Him better, the tests seemed to stop working. Occasionally when I am completely stalled, He may give me a sign to encourage me to take the next step, but it is more rare these days. After you have walked with Him a while, it is usually 'signs following' and not 'signs leading.'

We help a child to learn to walk, but after they learn how, they walk on their own. As we build a relationship with God and take on the mind of Christ, we begin to know when it is the Lord speaking. Jesus said, 'My sheep hear My voice' (John 10:27) and that His sheep would not follow a stranger (John 10:5). You can tell the difference.

Do not be surprised today if you pray and when the Lord starts talking back you think, "I must be making that up!" We have all been there, but somewhere deep inside you, you know that it is Him. Learn to trust God. If you miss Him, He will find you. He is able to keep you from deception when your focus is on Him, and hearing the Lord speak to you is easier than you think.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You so much for all that You have done for me. I pray that You teach me to hear Your voice better, to recognize when it is You speaking. I want a deeper, more meaningful relationship with You today. Draw me Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray

Note: Good morning! The highlighted group of the week is the Haven of Hope, a place of refuge for anyone who is suffering from the effects of abuse. Abuse can come in various forms including physical, sexual, mental, and spiritual. The group is private for your safety, and you will find kind, encouraging people who have been where you are, or are still going through it. ALSO, Linda, the wonderful leader of the FAAD group has posted a new blog entry, The Comfort Zone, that will not only bless the group members, but will be encouraging for all of us who have had to step out in faith. FINALLY, the Creation Photographers group fun theme of the week is "Family Moments", based Proverbs 22:6. As always, you are free to post other photos, too! For links to any of the above, see the announcements at the top of the home page. Have a blessed day!

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