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Total Eclipse

Posted by Dion Todd October 24th, 2016 10,581 Views 0 Comments

When they began to sing and to praise, Yahweh set ambushers against the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were struck. For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir to utterly kill and destroy them. When they had finished the inhabitants of Seir, everyone helped to destroy each other. 2 Chronicles 20:22 WEB

'God sure seems needy.' I silently thought as the preacher explained that God required us to worship Him. I was just a kid, but already something did not seem right for the Almighty God, The Creator of the universe and the Maker of the stars, to need little me to worship Him. What's up with that? Why does God the Almighty need us to worship Him?

As I grew older and life happened, I learned that it is not about God needing anything from anyone, He is bigger than that. It is about us and our focus in this life. When we magnify God in praise and worship, changes begin to happen in our own life. God becomes real to us and His presence becomes tangible.

Praising God brings heaven to earth. If you praise Him enough, He will soon show up just as He did with Jehoshaphat. When they began to praise God, their enemies turned on each other and Israel spent the next three days picking up free stuff. A very dark situation worked out better than anyone could have hoped for, when they began to praise.

We live in a darkening world, yet God will have the final say. Don't let what's on the news shape your view of God's power. In the end, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of All (Phil. 2:11).

The sun is about 400 times larger than the moon, but the moon can completely block out the sun during a total eclipse and become all that you see. Because it is closer to us, the moon can appear bigger than the sun.

Problems work much the same way. When you focus on your problems, they will grow bigger and bigger. Soon God will begin to appear smaller and smaller. If you praise God, focus on Him and His word, then He will grow bigger and your problems will grow smaller.

Praise the Lord today and don't focus on the problems that you cannot change, they are only distractions. Spend that time praising and thanking God for what He has already done in your life, for the things that He has blessed you with. Trust Him and remember what He has already done for you. Your future is in good hands. God loves you and He is at least 400 times bigger than your problems.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to see past the problems. I know that You created the heavens and the earth and that you are in control of what happens in my life. Please let Your peace rest on me today. Send the Comforter to me, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Good morning! The highlighted group of the week is "Count Your Blessings": God blesses us each day with the air we breathe, with new opportunities to shine His light to those around us, with time to know Him better, and so much more! This group is a place to take a bit of time each day to thank God for the blessings He has granted us! To find this or any group, just go to the Groups tab on the site menu. Have a blessed Monday :)!

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