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Cuts Like A Knife

Posted by Dion Todd May 29th, 2016 11,059 Views 0 Comments

Now he who betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, 'Whomever I will kiss, that is he. Seize him, and lead him away safely.' When he had come, immediately he came to him, and said, 'Rabbi! Rabbi!' and kissed him. They laid their hands on him, and seized him. Mark 14:44 WEB

It was now dark. Jesus and the disciples had finished their last supper, sang a hymn together, and then went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane as He often did. Judas Iscariot, who had just been with them at supper, now showed up with an armed group of men to arrest them. Their friend had suddenly became their enemy.

Judas walked over and kissed Jesus on the cheek to let the guards know who they were to arrest. This really hurt. One of His own, one of the twelve that He had picked out of thousands, had now betrayed Him. Jesus had a purpose, and Judas played an ugly part in bringing it about. It was not pretty, but it accomplished the will of God.

Jesus took our sin away and He suffered for it so that we would not have to, but other things that He went through were an example for us. Betrayal is something that most of us will experience at some point, and it hurts.

If this happens to you, do what Jesus did: stay focused on your purpose and forgive the betrayer as quickly as possible. Do not delay God's work and get sidetracked or filled with bitterness, even though it cuts like a knife. God will take care of the betrayer in due course.

Prayer: Father, I know that You have a plan and a purpose for me, and I choose to follow You today. Help me see past the wrongs in my life and focus on what You are doing instead. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

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