Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd March 22nd, 2016 12,248 Views 0 Comments
Jesus, standing up, saw her and said, 'Woman, where are your accusers? Did no one condemn you?' She said, 'No one, Lord.' Jesus said, 'Neither do I condemn you. Go your way. From now on, sin no more.' John 8:10 WEB
One day while Jesus was teaching in the temple, the religious leaders brought in a woman who had been caught in the very act of adultery and stood her in front of the crowd. They asked Him what they should do and reminded Him that the law said to stone her.
The religious leaders knew that Jesus was gentle, loving, and merciful, and wanted to trap Him in His words so they could accuse Him for breaking the law. Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground and said, 'Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone.' Then they all left, from the oldest to the youngest, until Jesus and the woman were alone.
Basically, everyone there was guilty of sin, and it would just be one sinner stoning another sinner. John said that if we claim that we have no sin, that we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8). Jesus did not condemn her for her past, but instead told her to go and sin no more.
People will look down on you. The Lord Jesus does not. If you have a checkered past, just let it be in the past. Start today fresh, forgiven, and from this day forth, walk with Jesus. Don't point fingers at others and remember that those that look down their nose at you, are no better than you. Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future, and without His grace, we are all lost.
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. I pray that You fulfill Your will in my life and lead me into all that You have for me. Open the doors that I should go through and close the doors that I should stay out of, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.