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Be Strong For You Are Not Alone

Posted by Dion Todd March 19th, 2016 12,985 Views 0 Comments

Be strong and courageous. Don't be afraid or scared of them; for Yahweh your God himself is who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 WEB

We can become so withdrawn sometimes and begin to feel that it is us against the world, and that no one seems to care or even notice what we are going through, or currently struggling with. Even in a crowd, we can feel alone and all the while, God seems silent.

But we are not alone. The Lord tells us repeatedly through scripture to be strong and courageous just like He told Joshua. We are not to live in fear and dread for He is with us and will never leave nor forsake us. No one can snatch you out of His hand, and when the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise up a standard against him. An important thing that I have learned is this:

'God's silence does not mean His rejection or that He is mad at you.'

There are so many times in my life now that when looking back, I thought that I was off the path. That I must be, because I could no longer hear from God. Somewhere I missed a turn and now I was walking alone.

It always turned out that I was merely on a straight part of the road and did not need a course correction. Eventually the next door would open up, He would speak to me again, and I would realize that He had been there the entire time. I merely had to go from point A to point B and I would not be here if I had not first been there.

Be encouraged today, for no matter where you are, you are not alone. For it is the Lord God Almighty who goes with you. When the trouble comes, so will the answer. Keep the Lord first in your life and all the other things will fall into place. Do not fear what may come for you will be prepared to face it.

Prayer: Father, I know that You are here and I choose to believe that all things will work together for good whether I understand them or not. Walk with me and talk with me today, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

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